Family Story – Celebrating Boxing day
Photo credit: calgrin from morguefile.com
Today is the twenty sixth of December, known as Boxing Day. The next day straight after Christmas Day. Boxing day has always been celebrated long before Hannah and her family were born. It was a day traditionally used to collect the Christmas boxes and presents the exact day after Christmas. Not that the McCallister family was greatly into history. And the history traditions that was held behind the yearly events. Apart from Hannah, the eldest McCallister`s child. Who was currently doing her second year studying history at Lakewood College. Do not get me wrong she thoroughly enjoyed taking the history course, but she was glad that there was a short bank holiday break. She definitely needed a short break like everyone else to relax herself and to have a great time with her family.
Back at house number ninety in Darwin Street in the suburban area of Wilcot; all of the McCallister family had such a fantastic Christmas day yesterday. All of the family members loved all their received Christmas presents given to them. After having woken up fairly earlier than usual to open all their presents filled up in their Christmas festive stocking. Both of their daughters Hannah and her youngest sister called May; decided to buy both of their parents James and Jill McCallister two large boxes of Thornton’s own assorted milk chocolates and toffees. Bought from using some of Hannah`s wages in her Lloyds bank account. Just two months ago Hannah got herself a part time retail assistant job. In a local home bargains store working during weekend shifts. Which perfectly suited herself fine having balanced out between her college studies and her working hours at home bargains. A retail assistant job working on a temporary basis until she went off to university next autumn. Which she always planned to go off to Bradburn university. She knew when she moved there she would always try to keep in touch with her family in those few moments when she was not studying.
Hannah got some new clothes which she was delighted with. All bought from her mother in the River Island store. It consisted of one really sparkly bright red jumper with a matching sparkly long length red jeans. A few of her favourite Catherine Cookson books which she was a big fan of reading them in the last couple of years or so. She almost had the whole book collection all neatly arranged alphabetically by the book titles. All stored on her cream bookcase in her bedroom just by her office desk. Hannah spent most of the morning yesterday reading a good half of one of her Catherine Cookson books called Riley. One of her top favourite books it had to said. Her younger sister May who was now 15, just a couple of years younger than Hannah got a yellow and purple wax lamp, which she wanted herself for a long time. Some fruity body care shop shower gels and a couple of her favourite Christmas films on DVD. And her dad also got a Christmas music CD, which he spent a couple of hours playing in their living room music system, much to our delight.
Before we knew it Christmas day was over for another year and today it was Boxing Day. Marking another important historic event. This afternoon both me and my family were going to go to our Aunts Nicolas house for a visit. So after we ate our lunch and our Christmas biscuit leftovers we drove off in our family red Mercedes car all the way to Nicolas house out in the countryside area of Wilcox. It was a stunning rural view looking outside of the car windows as we drove along.
When my father walked down the drive way of the house our auntie Nicola immediately opened the door and greeted us warmly and happily. She had in store for us some brilliant Boxing Day news. First of all she had someone called Marie Wells just message her on her Facebook trying to get into touch again with her old school friend Jill McCallister. Hannah’s and Mays mother. Which she was surprised and delighted hearing the news. They had arranged to meet up together on Saturday at the costa café in the local shopping mall. To catch up with each others lives. So much had changed in so many years since they last saw each other. And secondly their aunt Nicola and her partner Neil just gave a donation of two hundred pounds to a local dog home. And were planning at the end of this year to buy an adult Airedale terrier dog called Biscuit from a local dog home.
All of the McCallister family ended up having a fantastic time round at their aunt Nicolas house up until around four o clock when they decided to drive home. And spent the evening all together watching some classic comedy Christmas special tv programmes. What a memorable boxing day it turned out to be for Hannah this year. As well as Christmas the day before.