Family Short Story – What do I do? Arjun…..
Photo credit: slowfoot from morguefile.com
“Why is this happening to me?”I asked myself, as I looked into the question paper.
In my exam hall, I wasn’t the only one asking this to myself. I and Ishwarya shared blank looks that perfectly resembled our papers as well as our minds. We were never good at Chemistry . I didn’t know what to do. I closed my eyes whispered his name,”Arjun..Arjun..”.
An Enchanting face with black hair, hazel eyes through which I saw me,with a soothing breeze appeared before me with magical sprinkles. After helping me out Arjun disappeared, after some deep thinking I managed to write things related to chemistry till the bell went. Happily coming out of our hall,we noticed shruthi’s rotten face and that she need a tissue as she was about to cry. I forced her to Restroom,the conference room of girls in our school. She shouted at me”Geetha, take your hand off me..”
Ishwarya enquired “Why are you sad?” .
Shruthi is our class topper since I know her but you know as she is friends with me she’s bad at Chemistry too.”I didn’t attend 10 marks.”she wept.
I said “That’s okay.Many of us didn’t know the ten mark answer.”
Ishwarya hugged shruthi “Hey even if you fail just let it go,coz you’ve just discovered a new way that won’t work.Next time do it different.” I’ve always wished to see things through Ishwarya’s eyes. She is such a big green plus walking around with hands and legs. And she loves Hugging people.
We grabbed our bags and went into our class.Everyone in our class were discussing about the exam. Amidst their business they didn’t forget to shout different initials “KG”,”IT”,”SS”as we three entered. Its not new,every girl in our class have intials according to our class boy’s dictionary.Well our class is not bad enough to tease on our appearance or character,they are just good enough to help girls find their crushes.I know every teen would have experienced it.We were asked to take our lunch in our classes that day as it was raining heavy. We the eleventh and twelfth students generally take our lunch in our school ground.The climate was nice I feel lucky rarely for 2 months in a year for having my place in last bench,near a window.
Lunch time is the only 45 minutes for us which makes our life. Food….Friends….Moreover today it was raining….. Colourful boxes on table holding wonderful dishes.Our spoons is the only thing we realise while eating,boxes and dishes are common and must be shared.As i was eating I happen to see Karan sitting in the bench parallel to mine.I also happened to see him another time between the heads of my friends.Though Karan didn’t have any impressive looks,its hard for my eyes to move aroud quickly from him.I made very quick turn as his friends caught me in act.As I already said he was my initial oh sorry the guy whose been teased with me.They laughed among themselves sharing awkward looks on me.I didn’t know what to do.I thought of Arjun,He came again with magical sprinkles”Its my lunch time,what?”he asked.I explained him every little thing that happened. Shruthi lookes puzzled,”Whom are you talking to?”I just ignored her with a silly smile.At times I forget Arjun is visible only to me.He told me to say the way his friends ate to my best ones and disappeared.I did the same.We saw them ,laughed among ouselves which made them uncomfortable.I was happy that we’re even now.
Two years back,when I was in my ninth grade Karan said he was interested in me.I was then just a new born adolescent introducing myself to the social life. So, what he said actually didn’t make sense .But people around me started talking to me only for him. I cried to Arjun. All he said was to ignore Karan. Things didn’t change much from that day .whenever I happen to cross him I’ll definitely hear a shout “KG” Its not Kinder Garden as I thought at the beginning it was”Karan,Geetha”…
And that is when I really took this issue into account.I talked to him myself twice to stop all this.He didn’t respond. The shoutings were like malaria recurring after a regular interval.I didn’t know what to do.I called for Arjun’s help, Then I understood arjun’s advice,I kept ignoring it and things didn’t affect me.That day I called him as magical sprinkles came up”Arjun,you are awesome everything is doing good.” With his special smile,”Well its just as normal as trees going behind while you travel forward,So,look at it and keep calm,However it goes.”Arjun knocked my head.That moment was when I actually realised He was my best friend .
Lunch was over, boring classes went sedately.That was when it happened like a blooming flower,a leisure period.Talking,playing,laughing..every mintue was worthy.A paper ball which served a main purpose in boy’s game fall on me. A boy took the ball which was a few centimeters away from me. I heard all my class shouting “KG”.Tears
waiting in my eyes to see this world but suddenly pushed out by few fingers,it was Shruthi. I turned..For a moment I was happy she then said “He should have come to pick it. I’ll say to him.”
I could only smile as it was shruthi.My smile led to few wrong judements. School got over.After an exhausted day,Coming to home was like seeing a waterfalls after months on desert. I freshened up texted Shruthi,no reply.Also texted Ishwarya she said she is in group chat with friends in a social network which i don’t like. Just being curious I asked her who were they. She replied after mintues shruthi,swapna,karan,nikhil and two others. I don’t even know they could chat with so much people at same time. I was alone that evening,I didn’t know what to do. Magicalsparks came up even before I called Arjun said,”You don’t have to do things just because every individual does that.This minute in your life will hold something unique for you from others.”I smiled ,in a second ,sprinkles only were left behind…
By and By things changed,new comers in our junior classes were handsome,Our uniform had changed,new block was constructed,Shruti became good at chemistry,Ishwarya needed help,Our friends left school, We were tweleth then….except the way I was introduced “Geetha,the girl Karan is interested in..” continued by “Just for fun.”
My friends did this to me.The social network which I hate now killed the best in my best friends and made them just friends for me,and also made them his best.But I didn’t care,coz… of course,I know they are my friends.We were asked only to study,no PCs,no music,no movies…AS no remained only in sentences we did everything but a
new problem was there for me,Tutions.
“Geetha,you could have managed last year without tutions but this year is important,You need extra coaching to excel in board exams.”Shruthi and Ishwarya chants this same slogan everyday,They care for me but at home “Geetha,you can manage without tutions, just look after you health,you don’t have to toil to excel.Justmake use of optimum time and study.Thats enough…”Amma and Appa advising me.I really smashed between two decisions as both comes with full care. I didn’t know what to do.I went to my room sat and thougt for so many hours,and there was Arjun,”I didn’t call you” His big smile occupied the minute,he continued
“You don’t have to mess with your head,would have just called me.”
“Well,I needed to make my own decision.”
Arjun again smiled”Great,Proud of you,Eager to hear you thinking”
“Well, I decided…” his face was expecting my words as this was the first decision I take for so long time. “Decided to call you for help.”
“you stupid….”
We shared smiles.”Ok,You better think now,If you join in tutions this year you’ll have more pressure in school as well as tutions,You’ll start scolding teachers actually hating them for being cut and straight,Getting more time with friends and more time to distractions,No time for relaxation,and last no chane for excellence first get to know you better and go to tutions in which subjects you need more attention,if you really need extra coaching for all you’ll have be a programmed software with expected results,If you really are weak to concentrate on you own all your 11 years of school life is wasted without you learning to manage yourself.”Arjun never explained something very big but I still need to get rid of my fear or peer pressure thats inside me.Arjun left that day without asking my decision.I joined two tutorials in which I felt I was weak in.Days went Arjun never came for my call,maybe was busy in his fairy land.
Exams got over I met Karan,He said he was sorry for disturbing me,I felt normal for a moment but then he continued “I’ll wait for you…”I could only Laugh at him.I said to him.”All those days made my best school life.First love is the best.I’ll never forget those childhood days.”
He throwed a confused look”What?”,
I said “I assure you after two years when you meet me with your girl friend these are the words you’ll say..”I smiled and left.Arjun is right ,Somethings in our life are not passsing clouds,they are passing trees that is firm in our heart but have to leave them as we move on.
Today was my Result,I posted that I’m nervous in another social network in which none of my friends are well Except shruthi but still I like it.I’m using this now for 1 and half years..With every nail biting second that passed,My heart sank,but then came the result. I didn’t hear anything all I saw was a drop of tear in Appa’s eye which he managed to hide.Only laughter and smiles filled the atmosphere.I felt this was it,the the moment that occupies first place in my ‘the best day list’ . Appa went out to buy sweets, Amma is already calling my relatives to inform my marks.Amidst all happiness and excitement. I heard a voice”You,did it.”
screaming from outside. Appa called “Geetha,Arjun is here.” I ran out to hug him tight he already had brought the diary milk and white dress he promised me to buy me.For no reason,I wore a big smile but had tears.”Yes, I did it Brother.”
Arjun,my one and only elder brother who is five years elder than me. But still my very best friend.I never had a guy friend oops sorry I did had and have a best guy friend,it was my brother.
whenever I confuse about my decision before analyzing it, I ask to myself,what my brother will feel about my decision? and eventually I get an answer,like some fairy has said it and I imagine the magical sprinkles near me. He’ll show up in my mind that he’s visible in my thoughts. So,all I’m trying to say is Girls, Love your brother,the best friend in the world.You’ll always have a best friend as long as you have your brother. Wait,You don’t get my theme? oh oh……What do I do now?