Photo credit: takekha from morguefile.com
I saw her spinning in sky, rolling over the clouds, teasing me and mockingly saying, “Look, I am flying with the wind in sky, with colourful birds and sun. Can you do this? I know you can’t. Catch me if you can.”
Her dream of flying like birds in the sky along with clouds finally became true. I can feel her amusement as only I know how much she aspired of having wings!
I used all my unhidden and insidious strengths to catch the whispering sounds that were making me restless. I exhausted all my stamina to catch the wind in my fists. But of no use and on opening my fists, I saw nothing there.
She was the most precious gift left by my mother and father for me.
We were two souls, two bodies and two minds, but we were one. Yes, we were one from inside, we were one for ourselves, and we were one for our parents.
Born just 15 minutes before me, she changed my life, like a glittering star, like a shining moon, like sunshine in the midst of rains.
Her nonsense jokes sometimes irritated me, sometimes I prayed to get relieve from her to be in peace, sometimes I cried in front of her, sometimes I just fight with her, but she was always there for me. I knew, she was always there, when no one else was there.
She taught me to read and write and it is she only, who taught me basic manners and human behaviour.
We were just 20, when our parents took the paths to heaven. From that day, our family was just we two. We became mute for sometime, we lacked activities for some days, but then only her giggles and laughs rescued me from becoming silent for ever. Sharing every moment, every second and every incident became our habit.
Although I was younger by just 15 minutes, but she used to rule at home and I had to simply succumb in front of her wishes.
I still remember the way how I ravished and yearned for the way she was, ever smile on her face, positivism and optimism. But, I am still practicing and learning those. Still, often face lacuna of positivism and deficit of smiles. But, then again she whispers with all her power in my ears and arouse me up with confidence.
She has been always visible to me. I was not able to get separated from her even for a second. She cared for me. She used to meticulously pack my lunch in the morning. That day also, she did the same regular chores for me and I was even not knowing the way she was smouldering from inside. I was unaware of her internal feelings. I can recuperate the insanity I faced on seeing blood spread all over the bed and the floor. I still remember the extreme pain, I felt on seeing amputated veins of her left hand. I felt like I had become a living cadaver at that moment.
They took me along with them and are still claiming that I have become insane and kept me in quarantine for almost a year. How can I make them believe that she is still alive, she is still visible to me? How can I make them believe that she is inside me and we can never be separated? No games of destiny can separate us. We were born with same umbilical cord. Difference was this much only that she was normal and positive and I am still negative and autistic!