Then and Now – Family Short Story
Photo credit: faustfoundation from morguefile.com
“Don’t hold the pen as if you are going to stab someone. Keep it slightly tilted. Yes, you go it ..”
“Dad it’s a mouse. For heaven’s sake don’t hold it like a dead rat..Look at the way I’m holding it”
“Why are you calling him sir?” That was the first time I have seen my Dad calling someone Sir.
“You should always call your superiors in office sir, even if they are younger to you. That’s the way you give respect.”
“Why are you calling him as Sundar. He must be 20 years elder to you”
“That’s how we call him at office”
“There should be some consideration to the age at least”
“Dad, everyone is on first name basis in office..”
“Take the token. Counter number will be displayed in the LED board.I have filled the form, just give the money to cashier that’s it”
“But why don’t you go pay it”
“Come on you are thirteen years old now. You should know how to deposit money.”
“No dad, you will receive a code in mobile. You have to enter it to authenticate the payee”
“Too much of procedures! Why don’t you just walk into the bank & do it”
“This is pretty simple dad. I’m holding this account for last five years, I haven’t visited my bank even once.”
“Just because you have been given pocket money, you can’t spend on anything you like. Look at the quality of this material. Do you think it would cost you hundred rupees. You have been cheated”
“Sorry dad, I did a mistake.”
“Yes everyone should do their own mistakes, so that they will remember it forever”
“If you go to the shop you can get some discount. You are wasting too much of money in this online shopping”
“No Dad, I have a coupon code for the item””
“What is that?”
“That’s a discount coupon. Sometimes you get even up to 50% discount. Time has changed dad. Now everything is cheap in online”
“Keep the book in the proper posture. Make sure light comes from behind else your eyes will get spoiled.”
“Kindle is very simple to use dad. A soft touch is all it requires. No one buys book these days. ”
The harder one has struggled to learn something, twice hard it is to unlearn it & learn new way of doing things. Just like we-know-it-all generation thinks previous generation doesn’t learn thinks easily, so will our next generation think. We learn from our parents or elders, face the world, learn new things, teach them back, guide our younger generation & learn from them. This cycle will continue & repeat itself.