A Sweet Journey – Family Short Story
Photo credit: faustfoundation from morguefile.com
Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. My grandfather was a wonderful role model. Through him many have got to know the gentle side of men. They say genes skip generations. Maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable. It’s commonly seen that grandpa s generally love their granddaughters more n the grandmothers’ gel with their grandsons! My family followed the same principle! My grandpa used to save his share of cream bun for Putti (my sis Sahithya, she was fondly called so by everyone), and accordingly, my granny used to save her share of Chips for me! It was one such lovely family! Touchwood. Though they were my maternal grandparents, we made them stay with us (which isn’t commonly seen around).November 14th, 1988.The day I made my debut in this world. A proud grandpa presented me with a shawl. Which I named as “Madhu” for some mysterious reasons. We come from a pakka middle class family, rich in happiness and strong human relationships. For the sake of livelihood, my parents had to strive hard day and night initially; n that’s when I started spending most of my childhood with my grandparents.
I have no words to explain his desire towards life. A man who has had many humiliations in his past, his struggle for livelihood, passion towards life, a lazy attitude and the list goes on. Even at the age of 60, He taught me the basics of cricket. He never complained even if he had to run a lot coz of my mis-hits. He was a complete foodie, a music lover, a cricket maniac; n above all he was a great human being. I still remember snatching the TV remote from him many a times when he used to watch “Yedhe tumbi haaduvenu”. Things have changed. Remote is intact, I’m fit and fine, tears roll down to say that he is no more.
August 2011- I couldn’t digest the fact that he was in a race against time. It was my first real brush with mortality. It was very difficult for me to face a person who didn’t even have a clue that his time on earth was gonna end soon. I could hardly stop my tears, I still remember that innocent face of his. A man who could walk miles at the age of 60, who could eat tones of tasty food, who brought us up was no longer the same. His legs gave up, his hunger vanished. You could see that guilt feeling on him. Even when he was bedridden, he always wore a maroon colored Raymond shirt presented by me from my first salary, and a beautiful titan watch. The best ever thing that I have learnt from him is “Being possessive”. Even at the age of 70 plus, he was very possessive about granny! Trust me, I can write a book on that!
As days passed, his condition started to deteriorate. He was guilty of the fact that he was entirely dependent on us for each n everything. We all wanted to give him a happy farewell. Nothing could weigh more than the amount of love, care and affection he had given us. There were some instances when I took him on a drive, his haircut, when I cut his nails. Some incidents have been the toughest ones of my life, like pulling him out of the bathroom when he was down, Lifting him from the first floor n running for an ambulance. After all those, he once said “People believe in god, but for a helpless person like me, U r my god” I was really embarrassed.. He has carried my burden for 20 long years, how the hell can he say like that when I have looked after him for few months! I don’t deserve that. May be he is something above God to me. I have really built an apartment of guilt within myself. I was left with no time to spend with him. I wish we had a “Chota recharge” option available L People say that memories haunt. But I say “They KILL”.
March 2nd– He had been in the hospital since 2 months. Mom along with her colleagues went to see him.
Mom to Grandpa- “Who is your favorite person in the entire world”
He could hardly speak with his oxygen mask. But still, everyone present there could hear him say “BUBBY”. No wonder, BUBBY is what he used to call me. It’s my journey from being just a Grandson whom he din’t like more than PUTTI, to a person whom he loved the most on earth. It took me a long time to get used to the reality that my grandpa had passed away. Wherever I was, in the house, in the garden, out on the fields, his face always appeared so clearly to me. My lovely grandpa, prayed for Yuvraj singh’s speedy recovery, even without knowing that he himself was battling the same! Innocence was his charm. He badly wanted to witness my marriage, an unfulfilled dream of his. His heart touching line to granny “If time permits, I’ll be able to witness it, else it’s your duty to present him a grand gift worth Rs.10000”. Even in his last breath, he kept his smile intact. May be he was happy seeing all of us from the heavens rather than suffering physically on earth. I have no tears left. Radio era, Lungi style ends with you. I love you. 23 year old Madhu, my very last birthday gift of 100 rupee note from you makes me a millionaire!
“Oh Grandpa come back and tell me a story and snuggle me with your love. When I’m in your arms, the world seems small and I’m blessed by the heavens above”
To all the grandsons n daughters– Love your grandparents as much as you can. Because they are the reason for your past, present and future! Adios!
By: Samarth