This short story is participating in Write Story from Picture India 2012 – Short Story Writing Competition.

Photo credit: Nevit Dilmen
Cool breeze, sound of waves crashing on the shore, giggles of my too hyper active daughters took me back to 20th June, 2005… yes love makes you remember all dates. Same beach, similar breeze and similar sound of waves but giggles were different. Those giggles were of my wife who was laughing at the way I was holding my breath to get the picture clicked. Ravika was too good looking which always made me conscious of my looks while getting a picture clicked together. And this was indeed a special occasion.
Ravika had rushed out of the washroom today morning with the test instrument in her hand. Excitement was evident on her face. She hugged me and handed the instrument to me. I couldn’t believe my eyes…after years of trying; I had lost the hope of ever seeing those 2 pink lines. But today they meant the world to me. Yes, we were going to parents soon.
Next 7 months flew by like a whiff of air….our days were spent on reading everything about babies and pregnancy that we could get our hands on, shopping for baby nursery and babies’ dreams took away our nights. News that we were having twins added even more madness to our excitement.
And finally one night Ravika asked me to rush her to hospital. Ravika was struggling with pain whole night and in the morning, we were blessed with two cute baby girls. I was taken into Ravika’s room and the moment I saw those 2 sets of lovely eyes looking at me, a rush of emotions went through my body. I wanted to hold them, kiss them, sing to them but just kept on looking at them dumbstruck. Spell was broken by nurse asking me to see the doctor immediately. Ravika was asleep due to medication, so I lightly kissed her on forehead and rushed to see the doctor.
After being congratulated by our doctor, I was told that one of my daughter needed blood transfusion because of severe jaundice. I was assured that nothing is serious and baby will be fine post transfusion. Still my emotions took a U turn and happiness was soon turned to anxiety.
My blood sample was taken before Ravika was operated and I asked the doctor to take my blood for the transfusion.
“Mr. Aakash, we need to find a donor…you and your wife are both A group and the baby needs AB blood group.” Tension was evident on her face when she said this.
“How is this possible doctor? I think there has been some error in identifying the blood group”.
“That’s exactly what I thought, so I have got it verified twice. We are running short of AB blood group. Though it is your personal matter, I think you should ask Ravika to help you locate the donor.”
I just could not face doctor and immediately left her room. Ravika was still asleep and babies had been put to sleep. One part of me wanted to scream and run away and other part wanted to hold and protect the babies. I was sweating profoundly. Tears were running down my cheeks. I went out of the room and with trembling hands, I dialed Saurabh’s number. Every ring brought back all those scenes flashing before my eyes.
“I am very sorry to say tell you this Mr. Aakash that chance of you becoming a father is just 5%. So, as a doctor my advice is to just keep trying and leave it in hands of god”
“I badly need a baby Aakash…I feel so incomplete. What have I done wrong..Why am I being punished”
“No Aakash, I will never ever adopt a baby. I need a baby of my own. How can I love a baby who doesn’t belong to me”
“Aakash, my friends and I have been planning to go to Goa for a week to spend some girl time together. Can I please go. Please Aakash. Please”
“Saurabh, you are my closest friend and though it is too early I can’t hide this news from you any longer. Ravika is expecting. Finally the God has listened to our prayers. See the look at your face. It has come as a shock to you also. No one was expecting it. Saurabh, can’t tell you how happy I am”
Finally Saurabh answered the call. “Saurabh, Ravika delivered 2 baby girls today morning and one of them needs AB group blood for blood transfusion. Can you please come to Ram Manohar Hospital”. I tried to be as curt as possible. There was a momentary silence at the other end followed by “I am coming”.
“Papa papa… look here… what has Bhavya found… isn’t it beautiful… can we keep it in our aquarium… should we go and find some more shells… I think we should come often to this beech…. shells are too good here…. I like the ice cream vendors too… can I have one more ice-cream… Mommy, can you please ask Papa to get us one more icecream… Please… Please… Please”.
“Kavya is so much like you. Small little things make her so happy and excited. Like father… like daughter. Now don’t keep staring at her… just go and us some more icecream”.
I just kept on gazing at Kavya’s wide open eyes and thanking God for helping me take the right decision of not letting Ravika know.