Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
It is about 4.35 AM. Day is Tuesday. And the date is 21st. October 2014. I am nether a saint nor monk nor a prophet, I am an ordinary man of an ordinary family of society.
I am about 69 years old and after superannuation on 30th. April 2006 I joined the bar as Advocate and a number of NGOS, institutions and trusts. I keep myself engaged in doing different work regularly. Besides all these routine assignment I use to write short stories and articles on different topics related to the people of the society, on current topics – social, educational, political and so on … I have been writing since January 2003.
What I wrote during the years 2007 and 2008 was completely satire on current topics and all were duly published in the Dainik Jagran, Ranchi, Dhanbad, Jamshedpur and so on… I had to stop writing when the particular column was cancelled by the authority of the Dainik Jagran.
Then one day my grandson- Shubham Kumar – an insect of Computer Science advised me to write short story for – “ yourstoryclub.com ” I wrote more than 98 articles including short and long stories and still have been continuing. It is Mrs. Soumya Tripathi, Chief Editor and founder who inspired me wholeheartedly. As I know she hails from Jainagar and besides managing the household work she has been sparing her valuable time to discharge her duty & responsibility of HOD and Chief Editor of the site effectively & efficiently. Amazing! An inspiration to housewives of the country and beyond that.
What I cast you above is nothing but a tailor of the story which I intend to write solely, wholly and exclusively for parents – mean to say for father & mother ( माता – पिता ).
These days (Science & Technology) parents expect a lot from their children:
1. They should read well in school and in house as well.
2. They should perform better in classes – very good, excellent and so on…
3. They should compete all India Joint Entrance Exams. Mainly for engineers and doctors.
4. They should be selected for IITS, NITS, ISM, AIIMS, Vellore MCH, Army Medical College etc. – all highly reputed colleges/institutions of the country. The parents expectations from their wards (sons & daughters) have, if I am not wrong, are sometimes beyond limitation.
5. How many parents are there who spare a few hours, a few minutes for their wards when they were merely innocent children like lambs? I am not an analyst nor am I a research scholar. Please place your palms on the left side of your chest wherein your heart bits round the clock regularly and tell me sincerely how much time you have devoted on/for your wards when they were/are merely school going.
6. You are a young man and she is a young woman. Your parents are worried about your marriage so that both of you can lead a conjugal life like them. You are happily married one day or other. It is known as an arranged marriage. Another one is love marriage. Both of you love each other and united as husband and wife with or without the consent of your parents through court marriage. It is known as Court Marriage.
7. Or both of you live not for a day, not for a month nor for a year only, but live for years together in relationship. It has been legalised and the issued have got their social & legal rights also as per the law of the land.
8. As soon as you are married & live together, most of you will get issues in form of male or female baby. Now the question of nourishment arises who will do it, when they will do it and how and why they will do it. Why for everybody understands that they are duty bound to do it as their parents have done for them when they were babies alike. The most important factor is how you will do it.
Will continue …
Writer: Durga Prasad.
Bich Bazar, GT Road, Gobindpur, Dhanbad – 828109
Tuesday, Date – 21th. October 2014. Time – 6.35 AM