Family Short Story – Papa
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
My father is one of the most prominent human beings in my life I’ve looked upto separating celebrities and Samaritans. He hasn’t got all the qualities but definitely possesses qualities which are greatest.
He came to Bokaro from his small village where he was born and just had 10 bucks with him back in 1972. Not very highly educated he started working as a supervisor in Bokaro Steel Plant through his friend’s help. Slowly the work picked up and his performance helped him grow. Gradually through focus and hard work in a few years’ time he became a contractor. Post that he prospered enough to make his own house and buy all home essentials and luxuries. He built that nice, big house on my mother’s name.
He became member of a community welfare association and took active part in implementation of its developmental strategies for people of his community. Further he actively started social work and gathered more popularity amongst people. His helpful, gregarious nature was so influential that people flocked in huge numbers whenever he used to be at home specially on Sundays. His popularity gained momentum and people from far off places came to seek his help and advice in many aspects. He assisted people amply with his capabilities and expertise be it with money or influence.
Charity begins at home first – he had finished Master’s course on this lesson. He fulfilled everything that we needed yet never spoilt us. He also helped innumerable people from his family’s side and my mother’s family side like his own family in different ways. He pampered them to the point of keeping them at his home for months and some for years! While he did have these outstanding qualities he got biased at times when he felt injustice against other people by own family members.
His popularity and people skills opened doors to politics. He was welcomed by political leaders and they encouraged him to contest elections. He got tickets twice but owing to booth capturing he lost those elections. I wished he did little more in that field to make his mark there too but he quit politics though not his fellow politicians. Our country’s ex PM Chandrashekhar belonged to the same district father’s from hence they got acquainted, came closer and became members of the same political party. He visited our home on numerous occasions. It was great meeting a person of such a stature face to face.
Father was given the membership of District Consumer Forum of 5 years through expert nomination. He enjoyed doing that as well.
With passing time, father became stronger. He always taught tolerance and respect for others to his children. He loved and showered with delicious delicacies, gifts, clothes and tours. He was strict about education though. He had a dream of seeing all his children well learned. I remember being scolded at for bunking my class once and his being called to school. Though he displayed strictness on one side he was very protective on the other. Once my cousin and I were troubled by some guys and he took me to their area to recognise and warn them. Post that no trouble ever occured from their side.
My brother and I had had many issues pertaining our safety due to external brickbats. Anytime he observed a danger, he became protective and we never faced any trouble. There is no better feeling for a boy than the warmth of a protective sheath by his father.
He performed the duty of an ideal father on getting my brother married instantaneously after the drama, hue and cry that took place as in case of every love story. Amidst all that bustle the marriage went off successfully.
When I think about my father and his qualities, I feel he is a unique personality with strong values. He is very firm on religious teachings yet never forceful to preach or dictate them.
My father’s biggest drawback is his short-temperedness. It wards everyone away so much that people leave working under him. Call it his meticulous approach or intolerance, this is what his weakness has been. Eliminate that and you get to meet a warm, interesting person you can learn so much from!