Short Story Family – Palestine
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
A Bangladeshi couple hear some bad news about their second son Rahul who was 21 years old. The police officers say Rahul was found dead in Palestine and this had surely shocked the mr and mrs Ahmed, they were confused as to how it was possible for him to die in Palestine. Mr and Mrs ahmed immigrated to England from Bangladesh about 50 years ago but the one question that was on their minds was why their second son went to Palestine and died. They were Bangladeshi they had no roots in Palestine like family or any friends over there in Palestine.
The police leave the family to mourn for their second son and in pure confusion as to why he would go to Palestine. Rahul had an argument with the family and left home to figure out his own life he had been out of his family home for a about a year now, he wasn’t like other Bangladeshi Asian men who loved to got to shisha or listen to rap music and drive around in black Mercedes or Audi’s, he was an outcast in the Muslim community and he didn’t have much friends of his own.
“what did I do, yes I shouted at him for not passing his driving test or finishing university but you are the one who told him to get out for being a failure and an embarrassment!” Mr ahmed shouted
“me me your the one who was embarrassed and yes I did tell him to get out but you also wanted him out and you were also embarrassed of him” Mrs Ahmed argued back
“what’s in Palestine why did Rahul go to Palestine?” Mr Ahmed questioned him self
Then after a brief moment of silence and crying, the older son of the Ahmed family just going up stairs not showing any emotions at his younger brothers death, Mr Ahmed started to break down and cry for his second son Rahul and Mrs Ahmed sat down with Mr Ahmed trying to comfort him and said “its both our fault our pride and arrogance killed him but why in Palestine?” she questioned her self
Then Mr Ahmed suddenly realized something and standing up and looking into the mirror he realized why his son went to Palestine and died.
“Remember all those short stories I use to tell him as a child, well his favorite one was about Palestine and the story goes a poor Palestinian mother once had asked her son what his wish is in life and the Palestinian son replied to his mother and that his wish is: my wish is mother anyone who dies in Palestine will go straight to heaven, that’s why Rahul went to Palestine he knew he wasn’t going to survive in the outside world with out food or support so he went to Palestine to die and go straight to heaven because who ever dies in Palestine goes to heaven, that’s how the story goes anyway and that Rahul didn’t want to live anymore in this horrible world” Mr Ahmed telling the story to his wife
The wife started to cry more and so did Mr Ahmed and the eldest son Tarin comes down now crying as well
“let’s pray for him that’s all we can do now” Mr Ahmed spoke