Family Short Story – One Penniless Day
Photo credit: calgrin from morguefile.com
I almost exhausted due to continuous shift of work. I know, it was so less money to get something for my kids. So I worked one more shift extended to the evening.
My first kid was 7 years old when he died. I have one year little baby and 4 years kid also now. After he died, I gained some confidence to live at least for my children. We had a less than a great life for one year. After someday I don’t have enough money to take care of these kids. I am Ruth, penniless woman with 3 children. My husband was a engine driver, who died one year ago. We don’t have any other relatives other than him, on my side too.
I waited for an loan to get sanctioned, but it was not available as of now. We had only property is our home and an old car.
I started to sell some unnecessary things from the house and earned little amount from that. But that lasts for one week or so. Nobody want to buy junk items.
So I planned to get some work. I couldn’t leave the children at home since they are younger. I took them along with me and searched everywhere for job. I couldn’t get any of the one. Its been getting dark. But I have to search today itself. Otherwise I can’t feed them. I was praying while driving.
The car was going at high speed. I didn’t think about fuel. It exactly stopped in front of diesel bunk. I went inside to ask if they lend me some fuel for 39 coins or so.
I saw a lady sitting inside and reading a newspaper. She saw me and asked, ” Do u mind joining here?, I will give you 86 coins per week, 8 hours per shift, and one time free food”.
I was so happy to hear that. I said, ” OK, its my pleasure to join over here, now can you lend me some fuel for my car to go back to my home for 39 coins?”.
She smiled and said, ” its free for those who is working here, get some food instead and feed those kids”.
I thanked her and entered the car after filled the fuel. I was so happy today and I thank God for the great opportunity.
She shouted, ” come sharply at 8.30 am, your shift starts from tomorrow”.
I smiled and said, ” yes ma’am”.
I got bread, buns, and veggies for that 39 coins on the way to home. I fed them and slept in the sofa itself. I kept alarm at 6 am.
Next day the alarm rang, and I got up and get ready for the job. Then I thought about the kids, “where can I leave them till evening?”. Then I went to their room and saw, ” they are still sleeping” I panicked. Then I suddenly remembered about nanny and I went to nearby phone booth and dialed one of the care taker’s number and ask her to come over here. I waited for her to come. I cooked some soups and toasted some breads and buns for them. I took one bread slice and one juice which was already in fridge.
I started to work. The next day, she asked me whether I can come for night shifts. The salary was little extra for night. So I opted that and asked the caretaker to sleep in my home itself. She will stay until I return home.
One day I was on the way to home, the car tires were very weak. They were worn out, so it started to wobble. But I had no choice to return home either or to proceed. So I reached the working area with utter confidence.
I was thinking about the Christmas whether I can buy toys for children or at least some dresses. I reached home at 7.40 am. I started to search the old clothes and tear it off to make new ones by stitching it in hands. So that I could make them happy for a day at least. I have to give something for the owner and the caretaker also. So I planned to bake some cookies and cake for them.
The Christmas was nearing, yet I don’t enough money to buy toys for them. I can manage with the dress. Next day, before Christmas eve, I planned to do double shift. I almost exhausted due to continuous shift of work. I know, it was so less money to get something for my kids. So I worked one more shift extended to the evening. I already informed caretaker to stay at home till evening.
After my shift got over, I was literally dragging me into the car. The owner gave me the salary along with Christmas increment and some cupcakes. I opened the door and I was surprised to see four tires on front seat. Then I saw backside of my seat, it made me to surprise even more. There were some dresses of various sizes, cakes, bunch of toys, groceries for almost one month, and some cover. I opened the cover, it was written as” To my dear daughter”.
Tears falling down from my cheeks as I search for anyone who left it. I saw an old man standing near a tree and smiling at me, ” happy Christmas dear”. I then came to conscious and said, ” thank you Mr. Beaver, Merry Christmas, come home for Christmas dinner dad with mom”.
I said it from my heart. Mr and Mrs Beaver were our neighbours one year ago. They don’t have children before but now I am here, their daughter along with their 3 grandchildren. Day off for 2 days. I cooked delicious food for Christmas dinner. I also invited care taker and my owner for dinner. We had a very happy Christmas.