Short Story – New Horizons
Photo credit: puravida from morguefile.com
Penning this true piece is an attempt to save many girls from enduring a traumatic relationship. Separation or Divorce is just an end of a painful relationship not an end of life itself. Parents who fear society and take a deaf ear to wailing daughters shouldn’t forget that status or society is not important than their daughter herself.
” Wish u a happy new year. Hope this one brings you success”-
Bindu greeted her husband Vinay with the morning cup of tea on the first day of 2013. She wasn’t expecting any pleasant reply but what followed next was not expected either.
Vinay poured out bluntly,”I am sure my year would be great but you mind yours.This one is our last together, thank God. I am moving with my parents forever and Chiku is going with me.”
Tears swelled in her eyes but Bindu turned away quietly and completed all the household chores before she hurriedly rushed to school. The one km distance which she usually walked in five minutes seemed too long today as the yesteryear memories flashed before her eyes. She went back ten years of her life.
Bindu lost her father when she was just ten. Her mother Madhuri devi had brought up two kids single parenting. Sanjay, her brother was just two years younger and wasn’t a keen learner. Bindu was just average and managed to complete her PG with passing marks. Bringing up two children without a man in the house, dealing with the adolescent dilemmas was tougher for Madhuri Devi who herself was little educated but could move on in life due to the government job she procured on compassionate ground of losing her husband. She was a conservative lady, spoke less and remain alienated from social gatherings instilling the same values in the minds of her growing daughter.
As a result Bindu grew to become an introvert. She joined a private school to help her mother share the household expenses. Madhuri had by now started looking out for a groom. It was Vinay where her mother’s search came to hault. Though Vinay wasn’t a perfect husband material with average education and a private small paid job, but what set him as a suitable groom was his family background with parents on highly paid government jobs and two married sisters. Vinay’s mother knew too that with just a secondary degree and no secured job, Vinay wouldn’t get a better match than Bindu.
Wedding bells rang and Bindu entered into a new family with high hopes. Initial days went fine and Bindu got accustomed to the traditions of her in laws house. Soon she realized her mother in law held the reigns of the household. Vinay’s irresponsible behavior continued despite increasing responsibilities of a wife and a child soon after. He wouldn’t stick to a job for longer period and hence within 5 years of marriage he had already left four jobs. Vinay’s parents didn’t care to correct the mistakes of their son as they feared loosing control over him. Whenever he demanded money on any false pretext they readily gave him.Their protective and possessiveness lead Vinay to haphazard ways and soon he took to drinking.
His marketing job also presented before him opportunities to interact with women and gradually he developed strong bonds with many female collegues and clients. Bindu was reserved to her household chores and when she sensed the changes in Vinay, she timidly reported her observations to her mother in law. But instead of scolding her son, her mother in law held Bindu responsible for Vinay’s misdeeds.
Meanwhile Vinay’s job required him shift to other city and he shifted there with his family. Independent living and freedom from parental restraints made Vinay more irresponsible. He came late night full drunk, flirted with women openly and even physically assaulted Bindu on her protest to his wrong ways. To keep the peace of the house Bindu chose to keep mum. Meanwhile Chiku was growing up and was a witness to the increasing clashes in the house. He silently saw his mother suffering and father dominating. This instilled in him great fear for his father and equally a disregard for his mother. He lost interest in studies, his teachers daily complained about his misconduct in class, irregularity in home assignments and naughtiness. Bindu pleaded many times with Vinay to mend his ways so that their child does not suffer the discord of their marriage but all was in vain.
Vinay was indulged in various affairs and even threatened Bindu for a divorce if she continued her cribbing. Bindu felt helpless day after day. Complaining to her in laws was useless and her own mother and brother couldn’t do much to improve her situation. They tried speaking to Vinay but it was futile since Vinay disregarded his in laws on financial grounds. He knew there was no strong back support for Bindu and therefore could have his ways on her. Finding no hope of a peaceful family life Bindu resigned herself to fate and endured all hardships. Vinay spend all his income on drinking and his personal needs leaving hardly anything for household expenditure. Chiku’s school fees were never timely paid, landlord and the grocery men kept on demanding dues and Bindu had to endure all the humiliations.
To meet the household expenditure Vinay even forced Bindu to sell her jewellery time to time and gradually she had no piece left which her mother had earned very hard for her wedding. Meanwhile Vinay had become all the more aggressive and violent man. He mercilessly began to beat Bindu in drink state and forced himself on her. In one such fit of fury he kicked Bindu on her stomach. Bindu couldn’t control any more and she rushed outside the house and ran to the nearest police station for help. She sobbed her heart out to the kind lady police officer who lodged an official complaint against Vinay. With the law and authorities interfere, Vinay got the bolt on his heads and immediately apologized for his misdeeds. Sensing the danger even Bindu who really didn’t want to punish Vinay, forgave him and returned back home. Vinay’s parents were furious to know about the incident and they abused her for taking domestic matter to the authorities.
Vinay now knew that wife battering could put him in troubled waters drew back from physical assault but left no stones unturned to humiliate or hurt her vocally. Bindu too had realized that financial independence was only source of hope for her. She began for a search of job and finally succeeded in getting one. Although it was a meagre salaried one but now Bindu had some money for herself and catering to her needs. She even started tuitions from home and this made her more self reliant.
Meanwhile Vinay contacted his parents who had settled down far away in their hometown after retirement. He successfully convinced them how miserable Bindu had made his life and not living according to his dictates. His parents least cared to cross check the facts and out of parental affection immediately asked him to come back home to live with them. They even called Bindu and ordered her the same but Bindu who had mustered up courage by now to earn a livelihood for herself disagreed to their will. She politely told them she would choose to live independently rather than loading her responsibilities on others. Vinay’s parents took this to their insult, however they couldn’t force their will on Bindu.
…..the yesteryear memories came to an halt as the school bell sounded hard on Bindu’s ears. So Vinay had finally decided to go back to his parents and live on their mercy. Chiku had taken on his father’s side when asked about his will to stay with Bindu. This was the decision making moment for Bindu. If she didn’t go with her in laws wishes, she knew this would put her entire marital life on risk. But she knew that abiding to their wishes would risk her identity itself. Vinay and Chiku were leaving for their parents home the next day. Bindu packed their bags and afterwards her own. She dialled up her friend’s number and enquired about the working women’s hostel address. Noting it down she finally went upto Vinay. She had made up her mind.
She said, “ Vinay, your were right. This is indeed our last year together. I still wish you all the best for your future. Take care” and she walked off with a confident smile.
Burden has been laid off her heart and she felt relaxed. She had realized that life didn’t stop for anyone, it has to move on. There were new horizons to be explored.