Family Short Story – Living Every Moment
Photo credit: Scarletina from morguefile.com
A typical rainy season day of Bangalore, I was struggling to keep away from rain in the auto, making sure my file won’t get wet in the rain. I was looking into my daughters pictures in my mobile, and I was thinking how she would have loved to be sitting beside me and enjoying the rain, slowly drown into memories.
I was awakened to drivers shout saying that we arrived at the hospital. I was playing games in my mobile while waiting for my turn outside doctors chamber, having not known what’s going to happen the later hour?
It was not a usual way the doctor use to wish, but that didn’t meant anything to me and which meant a great deal only after I had to leave him after a hour long discussion. Dr. Girish is a charming guy, any patient would feel utmost comfortable right after entering his room, and probably this day might not be the first one for him, and for me it was all. He started talking about a patient who had passed away last night and trying to make me convince that death is not something unusual.
It seemed all casual until when he called attender to bring my test reports, and I saw a little tremble in doctor’s hand while he was opening the file and I asked, “Doctor, do u think I should be coming for check-up again?”, I was so jubilant to hear from the doctor “NO”, and I wish that was the last word doctor spoke.
A moment later, doctor continued “Never again in your life”.
I was dazzled!
“Yes abhinav, never again in your life that you have brain cancer and you may live not more than a month”, I can see the doctor struggling to keep the tears not to come out, after all he is a human being. And the last words the doctor spoke continued echoing in my ears.
The world looked so dull, and I wasn’t quite sure where am going until a car driver shouted at me, “Are you mad? Do you want to die”.
I wanted to shout back at him loudly “Yes, I don’t want to live one more month to experience what a death feels like?”.
I saw a guy who is shouting at his little daughter to be careful about crossing road, then I remembered it’s time to go pick my daughter from school.
Like every other day, my little angel came running towards me to jump onto me and kiss me, the way she does every day. “daddy, I want a bicycle for my birthday” my daughter said,
“Just bicycle? I will get a big toy car baby” and I started crying the moment after I said that, realizing I will be no more to present the gift to my little loved one.
“it’s OK daddy, I will ask mummy, please don’t cry”, what my little angel thought will make me stop crying has actually made me cry even more, not knowing how can I tell her that I can’t give her the present, not just coming birthday but for her entire life!
I was struggling to keep calm while driving back home thinking about my lovely wife and daughter, my wife came running out to receive me and our loved ones hearing our car horn, one thing that she eagerly waits for every day, for my daughter to come back from school, and the moment I saw my wife, I was thinking with whom else she can fight for her entire life. Yes, we had fought a lot, but we loved each other so much too, I don’t want her to live my death and that I have decided not to tell my wife the danger that’s she is going encounter soon.
I am not sad that I am going to die, I worried about my daughter, who should live her entire life without her daddy, and whom shall she ask for gifts? My wife, who will hold her hands and give the warmth hug after a tiring day of her work running behind our daughter at home? I want to live for the two sweet hearts of my life, yes I never realized what a beautiful life everyone human being have? Not because they have wealth, luxury and it’s all because the loved ones they have around them. For a moment, I wanted to go back in my life and spend all the time with my daughter and wife..
Abhi, are you ok? I think my wife could see those tears struggling to come out of my eyes. I forcibly smiled and said “yes honey, was just missing your hug”, the way always I use to tease her. She smiled and said “no way’, having not known she can never hug me again.
I am not sure, if I wake up tomorrow to see the beautiful world around, but I wanted to shout loudly to entire this world, what a beautiful life everyone has!!!!!
I wish I could wake-up every day and continue writing how beautiful my life is.. thinking of the beautiful things ahead of me for tomorrow…