Family Short Story – A letter to my Future Child
Photo credit: pablogv2004 from morguefile.com
Dear Son/Daughter,
You’re still not in this world, but I assure you, you will be the best thing ever happening to me. Whoever you will be, may be a son or daughter I promise you, you will be my proudest child, just because you will be my child and I will be your own handsome Dad. Today, I am going to share with you some harsh experiences of my life, so that in your life when you will be at my stage, you should not develop a mind of grief and pain.
They say experiences are the best teachers. I agree with this, you will grow more sensible and wise as life teaches you some harsh lessons of it. But trust me, life can take a huge amount of payment for it, and we, your parents can teach those lessons to you without any defrayal. We care for you, and we will care for you until our last breath. No wonder I will teach you some important chapters of life so that you don’t get bugged up from your life like we are.
Life is a race, where everyone is on the racing track to achieve the thing they value the most. People scarcely care about the things or other people abstaining them to achieve what they want. Trust me, you won’t find happiness in some materialistic things. Human beings are less affectionate to other human beings today, they don’t care, love has been diminished from their hearts, and if you can provide happiness to other human beings, you can acquire true happiness, you can acquire humanity in you, for the best religion in the world is humanity.
On this race court of life, people will hurt you, detriment you, try to push you back, and you can get bruised by this act of people, do not get heartless and disheartened, instead greet them with love and they will be ashamed of their act. Choose people wisely, the ones who will apply quick fix to your bruised parts, the ones who will love you, the ones who will help you to reach the finish line. Trust me, not everyone will hurt you and not everyone will love you, it depends on you who you want in your life.
If in life you occur in a stage where you want to cry, get some time for yourself, lock yourself into a room and cry, cry your heart out, cry until the pain in your heart doesn’t halts. Once you are finished make yourself certain that you are stronger than before, strong enough to face this unholy world again, make yourself sure that you have re-armed your weapons and your are ready to attack again.
Life is for exploring, do not stick to a particular matter, explore the world, explore the people, explore the nature, and you will become wiser as you proceed in exploring. Everyday will be a new challenge, do not take your day as a challenge as you may try to complete it like everyone does, instead take it as a simple task which you can complete as you like.
And with this I conclude my letter. Just remember an adage child ‘Life is much easy, it’s we humans who make it complex.’
Your’s Dearest,