Family Short Story – Journey with You till the End
Photo credit: allyeargarden from morguefile.com
” You have cervical cancer stage II-b ” the words doctor tell us about mom disease. I feel like the whole world stop,rage, and feared flowing out in myself. Why my mother? We just see each other after a very long years. We just started to build our bond. Why for all people why her? A question which I know can never be answered.
Feb.2011 a day which ruin everything all of my dreams . A day give us the most unacceptable news that will change our entire family. I saw it the worried and scared look on my mom even she tried not to show it. I can feel her fear and silent plead that it’s just a dream and not true. But she keep acting as brave and shows to me that everything will be alright even deep in my heart I know it will never be.
Days, months,years passed my mom suffer a lot of pain and gone through a lot of therapies such as radio, chemo and brachytherapy . I was there beside her in every pain she feel it’s hundred times more painful to me watching her but I can’t do anything to ease the pain. But she is brave enough and still keep fighting.
Two years pass for battling in her cancer. For two years I been with her every single day of our life . Taking care of her and showing her a lots of love and courage that no matter what happens we will always there for her, taking the journey with her till the end. Faith, Love, Hope that’s all it takes for us to make our mom keep striving to survive. But one thing I’ve learn in her dying days. She said to me no matter how life hard to be don’t ever lost hope and faith in God for only him can gives miracles. Mom showed me how to be a strong woman despite in her sickness. She give a lot of inspiration to her co-cancer patients that as long as there is hope we should never give up.
Every time I think of it I know my mom is in heaven now. And she’s now happy in God’s hand and no more suffering. She inspire me a lot, teach me a lot that whatever problems knocks you out you should never give up. A truly hero for me. A woman who keep fighting till the end. And I know I will start my new journey in life with my mom courage with in me and will carry it till I succeed.