Family Short Story – IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Photo credit: schmitee from morguefile.com
Today is my birthday. I see a fresh flower bouquet at the reception. I was wondering who must have remembered by birthday. As I walk into the room of the hotel, I find a note saying “hey beautiful. Happy Birthday”.
I wear bright red lipstick, I put bright shimmery eye shades and outline my eyes with kajal and eye liners. Abhi always admired my eyes. My kohl rimmed eyes used to drive him crazy. He sat looking into my eyes for hours.
I am wearing a lovely black color knee level dress for the meeting. While I am sitting in the hotel lobby, I get a call at reception and the man on other side says “Hey lady.. Happy birthday. Today you got to celebrate your special day with my special guest in room no. 312”. I smile and put the receiver down. I take the elevator to the 3 rd floor.
He introduced himself as Mr. Varoon. I saw his diamond studded ring and guessed that he must be very rich. After all he was speeding his night in one of the 7 star hotels in Mumbai. While he finished his mean act, it was already morning. I got up with the chirping sound of birds. Saw it was a great sun rise. Sky was yellow and orange, as if someone had painted it with minute details. I had showers. I dressed up in my normal salwar kameez. It was time for me to take the money for my night service to Mr. Varoon. It looked like he was very happy with me and offered me extra tip of Rs.15, 000/-.
I was very happy that day. I took auto and headed towards home. I heard my mother-in-law was doing morning prayers. I straight head to my room and I see my little angel sleeping peacefully. My heart cries as I leave her and go for meetings at nights. Initially my inlaws had problem of me being a prostitute. But now, they have well adjusted to it. If anyone asks them about me, they say I work in an American call centre and that is why I have to do night shifts daily. I know, neighbors speak about me, but I can’t stop my work. I am the only one who has to work. Besides I get handsome reward too.
As I bid a bye kiss to my little angel, my mother in law serves me tea and breakfast. She does not talk much since the day I have started taking up these meetings. I see my father in law in the gallery coughing. I have-not spoken to either of them for quiet some days now. I haven’t enquired their health for quiet some days now.
Dressed up in yellow and green salwar kameez, I leave for the day. Did I mention to you that I am working in school in administration department. Well I work as a clerk in one of the Government aided schools in suburb of Mumbai city. As I am taking the auto till school, I have a look at mobile. It’s my and Abhishek’s picture on the screen. Our love story started when we were in 2nd year of college. I was in B.C.A. and he was in B.Sc.. Our love story was not hidden even from our principal. Abhi made sure he took care of me. He took care of my family as well as his family. He is a very friendly guy. Very friendly with his as well as my parents. He asked me for marriage which I could not deny. Knowing the way Abhi was, my parents immediately said yes to the proposal.
Its almost 3 years today for our wedding.
Last year after throwing a birthday party on my birthday, he was heading home. Although it was my birthday, I was at home taking care of our 3 months old baby Angel. I told Abhi not to drink for party. Probably that was our last 2 sided communication.
I took an u turn and headed to hospital to see Abhi . He was still in coma. It’s a year that I am struggling being wife, mother , daughter in law , school clerk and definitely PROSTITUTE!! If he did not drink that night, we would have been so much happier today.
Sincere request, please don’t drink and drive. There is some 1 who loves you immensely back home. They need you perfectly fit and fine.