Short Story Family – GRANDSON DREAMS
Photo credit: caldosh from morguefile.com
Ravi was dreaming about his native place, where his grandfather uses to live in his childhood stage of life than story of DREAMS start.
There were three boys Ravi, Ramesh and Rohit going to the summer vacation after completing intermediate exam. They face the realities of life, illusion, ancestor crime and learn about the humanity in a grandson dreams. They were going with the jeep suddenly jeep stopped in a lonely place where no one was there only group of tree and sound of different animals was easily listen.(grandson dreams)
Then Ravi said to the Ramesh there was no major difficulty only our jeep radiator was quite hot .The jeep radiator cooled after getting water . Ramesh was busy in searching of water then he saw a beautiful girl filled her bucket with water. Then he came closer to that girl and saw her face .Suddenly ramesh ran away from that girl. He explained an incident and he told to Ravi that I saw one girl whose face is completely burn. I think she was evil spirit. Ravi and Rohit laughed at him and after some time Ravi went to the pond he found nothing he filled its bucket with water and started the jeep once again. Ravi and Rohit told Ramesh you always afraid all such nonsense things there was no any evil spirit.
After 4 km toward south they suddenly stop the jeep in front of railway crossing. Then old man came toward the jeep and told them this was not a place to visited for fun. Peoples believed that this area had a lot of surprises. The train gave a loud sound and every thing which was appeared and saw by Ravi, Ramesh, Rohit disappeared . Then Ravi starts the jeep once again but at that moment all were afraid .
And sweating like a rain.
When the jeep covers just 2 km again they saw some group of girl dancing and enjoy around the bone fire. Ravi said both of his friend Ramesh and Rohit why not we also joined that party after some time in fear and thrust both his friend also agreed to went with Ravi. After one km when they entered in to the village.
They saw one woman was singing a song in local language and other woman dancing like a mad person around the bone fire. Ravi asked from the woman who was singing a song that why all these women dancing like this and cover her faces like this. Suddenly all scene of this place was disappeared and Ravi saw that there was deep valley in front of his jeep.
They all realized that some things was wrong .When they turned back and start the jeep but they all not escaped from that place . Somehow they managed to run away in deep jungle.
Then they saw an old home which looked like that it was built-in 1950. Ravi decided why not we stay in this house for one night. But Ramesh said after all such things happening around us you still think that this is a time for adventure!
Ravi shouted with anger and said what else we could do about it when we could not able to escaped from this place, so why not we find exact reality about the situation.
Ravi told that one thing is common in whole series of events that not any one harms us.
After such long conversation of Ravi from his friend he could somehow manage to agreed the friends that all of us should spend one night in this old house.Around 12:00 p.m. the Ravi listened some loud sound and wake up with fear and his breathing was very fast.When he came across the one part of building he found that sound that he listened was coming from in side the wall.
But he wondered why this happened only with him. His friends sleep like this that they could not wake up again. Then Ravi brought the axe saw and broken the wall where he hear the sound.
Ravi found some old furniture behind the wall. When he was searching that what was kept inside this old furniture.
Then he saw the portrait of his grandfather and some land document. He also found some old newspaper in which some farmers committed a suicide.
Because they did not repayment of loan which they had taken from his grandfather. Ravi thought that the farmer’s land kept illegally and unethical by his grandfather.
Then other side of story is that Ravi is actually in dreaming in all these episode of event and suddenly he wake up. And asked to his mother, that what was truths of this dream?
Then his step father listen about the dream of his son . His step father is a greedy person, suddenly he put the gun towards face of his son. Suddenly all the house moving like an earth quake and his gun is fall down.
Ravi somehow manages to escape from that place. Then he see a drop of water align in that fashion that these drop of water want to guide the Ravi to that place where mysterious is show. Somehow Ravi knew the logic behind this because same things is happening in his dream also, then he manage to go the place where some old document is kept in seal packets.
He gets a shock when he sees that document is similar to the document which he sees in his dream. Then his step father tries to stop the Ravi to destroy the land paper. But Ravi destroyed land agreement of poor farmer’s then suddenly whole environment is light up with white light and some sound and say to the Ravi, thank you of doing such noble work. I am now free from the burden of the crime against the humanity in the late-1950.
The step father run away from that place with fear and never come again and his mother is dead from heart attack after see all that events.
But Ravi can’t understand what he can do about the situation whether the express the grief about his mother or take breath of relief that his grandfather goes to the place where he want to go.
In the end ” Whole story start with grandson dreams, something in some where is happening not because his own fault but because his ancestor deed.”
Written and imagination
Sandeep Tandon