Short Story Family – Dream House
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
Navya, was walking along the busy Bazaar street. She was holding her father’s hands and was very curiously looking at all the shops. Many shops of various kinds were dotted along on either side of the Bazaar street. She was murmuring the rhymes she was taught at her montessori school. In between she was also asking her father to buy her things she found curious or thought she can play with. Hari patiently replied to her questions and assured her to buy all things after some time.
Navya always loved to go out with her father. Not only because he would buy all that she asks him, but he lets her do things on her own and never gets angry at her.
After walking a couple of yards, they entered a gift shop. Navya was very happy seeing the various gift articles and toys and dolls and so on. She wanted to buy all that she could. She was asking Hari to buy her all that her little curious eyes could see.
They had come here to buy a gift to give to Navya’s friend on his birthday. Ramya, Navya’s mother had asked Hari to buy one so that she can get ready by the time they come back. Hari selected a Car for the gift and asked the shopper to get it packed. In the mean time, Navya, who was looking at all the toys wanted to get something for her too. Hari, who always wanted to see his daughter happy, bought a building block set for her. He paid the amount and they both started back. Navya was very happy and was eagerly waiting to build a house from her building blocks.
Once they reached home, Ramya was ready and was in hurry to get Navya also ready so that they both can reach the party in time. But little Navya was busy building a home. Ramya asked Hari what he has bought. Hari Said “a car”. Ramya didn’t look pleased. She asked what is the price. Hari replied 200 ruppees.
She said “Why did you bring that also? You know my friend has given Navya a Barbie doll set worth 2000 rupees last month when she visited our house. And you bring a stupid car for 200 rupees?”.
Hari said “Dear, there two reasons why i bought this. One, that’s what we can afford. Second, didn’t you see of all the toys we had he was only playing with cars when they came here. So I thought this is the best gift for him. I am sure he likes it”.
Ramya was still adamant “Its embarrassing for me to give this small gift. I am not going. You and your daughter only go and come”.
Hari got annoyed. He tried to tell Ramya that the gift is really good. But Ramya would not listen.
Ramya’s attention now turned to Navya. She was busy building her home. Ramya called her to come and get ready. But Navya didn’t respond. Ramya called again but her daughter didn’t budge. Getting furious Ramya dragged Navya from where she was sitting trying to complete her half built house. When this happened in a fraction of a second, the house collapsed. Navya’s eyes filled with tears and her heart broke down just like her dream house.