Short Story Family – Cross Alexos: Ancient History
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
It was the weirdest thing since the withdrawal of Angels and Demons. It would traumatize me for the rest of my life. I never thought i’d lose my parents and I never thought they would lose each other.
It was 10 years ago but I remember it all well like it’s today. It was on a sunny July day I was with my mama and papa. The weather was warm, the grass was green and I was five. We were all at the park and never thought this moment would end. Then mama said “dear it looks like it’s going to rain. Maybe we should go home.”
“Oh relax just give Cross 15 more minutes to enjoy himself. He looks so happy like this. Cross go play some more. See, right now he looks more like your son than mine. Then hair shining like the sun, ivory skin and such a beautiful smile.” They didn’t know I was watching, but before mama could reply what papa said it started snowing. This in it’s own way was extraordinary because it was snowing in summer but also because the snow was not white but red as a blood red rose.
At first I thought I was seeing thing but as closed as closed my eyes and re-opened the I saw papa being eaten alive by the earth itself. Then I heard papa calling mama’s name until I saw him no more.
Then as I saw mama running toward me and I started screaming “PAPA! PAPA! PAPA WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME?! PLEASE, PLEASE I’LL BE A GOOD BOY NOW PLEASE DON’T LEAVE.”
“Cross, look at me. Look at mama and please stop screaming and hug me.” Mama said. As I stopped screaming I finally felt it. My eyes were stinging and I tears were running and I knew it would never stop.
Then I felt mom let go and suddenly she was floating towards the sun as she was doing that she said “Always remember us Cross because we will always love you. But i’m sorry that I can’t protect you anymore. So for now let your power sleep as you do and remember our death but not how it happens.”
After that my eyes got heavy and before I knew it I was sleeping and I was awake. But the one thing that never was different that tears kept rolling from my eyes.