Family Short Story – The crime murderer
Photo credit: Carool from morguefile.com
Today seemed like a normal day until I received a call from the police department that Hilary, my dear sister was sexual assaulted by a man named Karl Hughes. I could not believe that this was happening to my sister, the one person I been looking out for since the passing of our parents. I quickly rushed to the station to pick her up and listen to everything that occurred in detail. Apparently officer Van Houston told me Hughes has raped countless women the past 4 years, my sister was apparently his 34th victim. Hilary, in tears came running to me to comfort her but I was glad to see she was safe.
The trial of Hughes happened in which he was found guilty, but my sister was having constant nightmares since the incident. My dear sister was not the same person since the incident. Her grades at school started slipping, last week her teacher informed me that she skipped school twice. She started taking heavy drugs and drinking hard liqueur. She attempted to end her life with a kitchen knife which I luckily knocked out of her hand before she could stab herself. She was admitted to a mental institution until she got better, that is when I had a plan.
My plan was to commit a crime to get myself into the state prison where Hughes is located and end his life. I saw a movie the other day of a bank robbery, so I planned a fake robbery to get myself in. The people and police bought my act and I had a court trial. Thankfully I was sent to the same prison as Hughes, my plan is almost complete. I was sent to prison for only 2 years I thought to myself if I kill Hughes I won’t ever see Hilary again.
I was in prison with a cellmate who seen Hughes around I was now having doubts of murdering him after I heard what happened to him. The word got out in the prison that he had raped a 15 year old and received constant beating from fellow inmates a day. Apparently I was not the only one with the same plan as another young man, maybe a year younger than me has killed Hughes in the prison yard. Hughes also raped his sister and had planned the same plan I had planned, the young man is named Harold Vaughn.
After my prison release I informed Hilary about all that has happened. She stopped her bad ways and continued the life she previously had before the incident. I thought to myself that no matter what bad happens karma is always the real hero.