Family Short Story – Come back Martha
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
And its Saturday again!!..
Glory loves weekends. and why shouldn’t she?? Her mother is a teacher in a near by town while Glory lives with her father in the city. The town was too far to travel daily so her mother chose to live in the town and visit the family every weekend.
Glory waits for weekend every week impatiently. She could never understand why the clock becomes so slow every Saturday..
”Daddy..” Glory turned to her father.
”Yes sweetheart..”..answered her father affectionately..
”I think you got to change this clock. Its not working fine”
”Why. What’s the matter with it dear..?”
“Ohh..just look at this dumb piece of iron..its toooooo slow..For how long do we have to wait till it shows 10.30 am???”..
”Just a few more minutes darling..”..smiled his father..
The conversation disturbed with the screeching noise of wheels ..wheels of a taxi stopping outside the house.
”Gloryyyyyyy…”came a feminine sound from the door…
”Its mama..Its mama….”Glory ran towards the door.
”Why are you so late? I have been waiting for you so long..”
”Ohh..Im sorry dear..just missed my bus..Hoz my darling baby doing?”
”Ohh mama.. I have to tell a lot of secrets to you. Jessica had been so mean to me…and you know what…I scored a perfect ten in my tests.. and have you brought my new watch. Linda has got a new one!!…”
There were hundred of things that Glory had to tell her mother. She hated Mondays and never wanted her mother to leave her.
Weekends were the only days when she could demand her favorite pie..the wonderful and amazing stories. the new dresses. Her mother would brought an air of festival each time she visited them…she could never really understand why her mama had to leave them…why don’t they live together all days.. like they used to live earlier. Those days were wonderful…Glory wants those wonderful days back..
”Mama ..why do you have to go….? ”
”For work ..darling”
Martha..Glory’s mother never wanted to live without Glory and George, her husband.
They used to be a small happy family. George was once a happy go lucky fellow, full of energy and dreams. quick witted, until the day he was duped in business by his own partner. His world turned upside down the morning he woke up with a debt of 100 million dollars. He had not only lost every single penny of his savings but also his dreams. He had set up his business with his heart and soul. It was his dream that he nourished with his several sleepless nights and ten valuable years of his life. He had plans. He had dreams..
And the dreams were snatched from him!!
He could not bear the setback and lost himself in the glasses of alcohol. And the alcohol dissolved all the happiness of this once a small happy family. There was not a single day that ended without arguments, without fighting, without accusations and without humiliation. There were endless sleepless nights for both Martha and George.
It wasn’t like Martha couldn’t feel George’s loss. She tried to support him in every possible way. But then there is a limit for everything. George vented out the venom on her. He knew that it wasn’t her fault but he had lost control of himself..completely!!
Martha could take it no more. She decided to leave…But Glory??
Martha looked at sleeping Glory besides her affectionately. She had been a chatterbox all day long. She caressed her hair with all the love in her heart..ohh how much she misses her talks every day.. every minute ..every second..
George refused to let go Glory with Martha. The matter was in court. They decided not to tell Glory anything before the final verdict comes out. After all she was too young to understand the dispute between her parents. She was just a kid.
Martha had been visiting the house every weekend since past six months. .six months of seperation..and both George and Martha tried to be as normal as they used to be when they were madly in love with each other.. when they cared for each other and when they had respect for each other in their eyes..
Martha loves George and Glory a lot. May be one day she can explain to Glory how hard it becomes to leave both of them…It was too hard to live alone…it was a punishment for her to live without them. But least she could do about that.
”Martha..”..George brought back Martha from the world of her thought to reality…
”Yes George…”
”Glory misses u a lot. and..”
”And..??”Martha stared him..blankly..
“And..me too..I know time had been cruel on us and I messed up everything. I could have been stronger. But I was shattered. I know how well you tried to support me. .but..”
Martha was listening to George.. Dumbstruck..
”I promise I’ll be a real man now. I ‘ll start again.. for all of us. Please forgive me. Lets start a new beginning”
“George..” Martha didn’t know what to say. She had tolerated a lot. What if George could not keep his promise??
”Come back Martha…”
Martha had tears in her eyes.. tears of joy!!