Short Family Story – A Bull
Photo credit: octaviolopez from morguefile.com
‘Bull’ is associated with made up stories from around the date of the earliest ‘cock and bull’ citation though, as in this quotation from J. Taylor, 1630: “Wit and Mirth … Made vp, and fashioned into Clinches, Bulls, Quirks, Yerkes, Quips, and Ierkes.”
A bull is always a bull. Eat like a bull, work like a bull and fight like a bull is what we say in common. So people have some qualities of bull and they are compared to a bull in appreciation. Famous Hollywood actor and director Corbin Bernsen who once said that I love working for myself, I’ve grown to dislike the Hollywood machine, too much bull, disappointment, and quite frankly, untalented, mindless, and hugely disrespectful people involved in the process. I’ll take carrying the load on my back, all the way up Everest if needed, to be able to steer away from it.
This ’too much of a bull’ is mostly seen in some common people who work hard from dawn to dusk and finally it will be ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’. I am telling about Blake Perry who looks like a bull and he eats like a bull to work like a bull.
Blake has a small family. That is, his wife Bridget, his grownup daughter Barbara and his young German shepherd dog Billie. Blake is a rich man and he always works to make his riches richer.
“I want to make a trip to Switzerland. Let us go next week.” Bridget said.
“What will we do there?” Blake asked.
“See the places, eat well and drink well, love and live for few days and come back.” Bridget said.
“That’s it? We do that here also, why we have to go to Switzerland only?” Blake put a question sharply.
Bridget is ready for his every question.
“To stand high above Europe’s largest waterfall, feeling the roar and vibration of the water over our entire body – this can be experienced at the Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen. By ship we can reach castles, the Rhine Falls Basin and even the mighty rock in the midst of the waterfall.” Bridget said.
“Water Falls? We saw many, what next?” Blake asked her.
“Incredibly immense, incredibly beautiful: the large Aletsch Glacier is the Alps’ mightiest ice flow. And the most popular, for it is easily accessible and is ideally situated for extensive hikes, winter sports and special nature excursions.” Bridget smiled
Blake Understood without thinking that he is not as smart as Bridget and so he accepted. They are in Switzerland in the next week. What Blake did is nothing, simply following his family and nodding his head when Bridget says something. He has no interest in spending time without earning. He was counting how much money he lost in this holiday trip.
“Why are you silent dad?” His daughter Barbara asked with a teasing smile.
“What to speak here with my family? I lost all my contacts in Chicago when I came here.” Blake said sadly. He was really unhappy for not having his usual work in his hand.
“Dad, whatever you have earned is more than enough for many centuries for our family. We are not going to live more to see what happens after few centuries to our family. Then what is the reason for your being sad for not earning for few days?”
“Barbara, you know that my friends call me bull. I work like a bull and the result will be fortune. There is no little fortune or big fortune. Fortune is always great and it has no ending. It demands us to work more and fight more. More and more is the only word fortune knows, my sweet honey.” Blake smiled.
Barbara is a clever girl and she thinks unlike her father.
“Once a saint saw a man in an island who is made of steel body and who is eating the land and drinking the sea water. Saint asked him that is he so hungry to eat the land like that and is he so thirsty to drink the sea water without a break. Then the steel man said that I am not hungry or thirsty, but I am eating and drinking like this with the fear that tomorrow I may not have this land to eat and this sea water to drink.”
Blake looked at Barbara. He is in his work-mood and he did not make his brain work to understand what his daughter said.
“Don’t tell me stories baby, I will go to room and sleep. You go with your mum and see the city. Take care of Billie, he will be always in fighting mood and he may put us in trouble always.” Blake said and went to hotel room to sleep.
“Okay dad, I will do that. “ Barbara said as she knew that his father is an unchanged bull.
Bridget never cares what Blake feels. If she cares him, she has to sit at home doing nothing and seeing just TV.
When they returned their home in Chicago, Blake was happy and he started working on his projects with full vigor. For people like Blake working is the happy thing and if they are asked to sit somewhere without work, it will be like a punishment for them.
“Hi Bull, Why are you missing last week?” His friend Stuart asked him with a smile.
“I was in a holiday trip, why do you ask me? Is there anything special?”
“Yes your absence made me rich. If you were present, that deal will not come to me.” He said with pleasure.
“I am not your enemy, you are my friend. I am happy that you are at benefit in my absence.” Blake said.
But he was unhappy in his heart. He was not a man to lose anything. He knows how to fight in life with people who are not enemies, Just for saving the benefits that appear to be slipping from his hands.
One day, a big fight has come in his life. A business man from china has entered in the market. He started fighting with Blake with lot of smile. What Blake dislikes is a smile in competition. A smile indicates to him as if the person smiling is saying with him that you are a fool, I am going to win.
For Blake, defeat is not less than a death. He always likes to see success and he is afraid of seeing failure even in his dreams.
That night he saw a dream that he is driving his car besides a canal and while he is looking something in the canal, by mistake his car went in to the canal with flood water. He was unable to come out from the car and the water is making him suffocated as he was unable to breath, He is crying for help and nobody was there to help him.
Just then Bridget made him wake up and asked him what has happened. Blake was silent and said that nothing, it is a nightmare. Blake does not care nightmares or good dreams. For him dreams are just some bad thought of the subconscious mind and it is not necessary to get disturbed with them.
Blake started get suffocated in his business with the competition of the Chinese counterpart. He is Lee and he always makes him disturbed in purchases. Blake was unable to buy the shares as Lee is making them costly with his capacity. The shares with Blake are getting cheap day by day and the reason is that Lee is purchasing those companies and making those shares cheaper. So Blake was unable to sell them.
One day Blake was in Bed. He is not eating like a bull. He is not working like a bull. He is looking like an old bull waiting for death.
Bull’s friends came and tried to make him strong in confidence with their words. But Blake was not happy. He has plenty of money on properties like real estate business, company shares and few factories. Bridget is looking after all the business.
Barbara was a business executive in all his companies and all the companies are doing well with unbelievable returns. Blake should be happy with these businesses and sit at home peacefully. He must be away from his share market where he is very happy doing something.
“Dad, I know you are unhappy with the competition of Lee uncle. I came to know that he is losing heavy money in this unhealthy competition. One day he will be a pauper. Why you are unhappy thinking about him? Shall I meet Uncle Lee and purchase all his companies for you?” Barbara looked at him as if she is his psychiatrist.
Blake looked at her blankly. He did not understand what Barbara said. But Barbara perfectly understood her father.
After one week Lee came to Blake’s house. By that time, Blake was on bed. He was very pale and he looked like a patient.
“Sir, how are you?” Lee asked him. His eyes are full with tears.
“I am fine. Lee, I know you are my friend. I did not see you any day as an enemy.”
“I know sir, Barbara came and explained. I was unhappy for entering the business here. I earned a lot in china and I entered here to see the business as fun. I did not understand that a fun can be a death also.”
“Lee, I am called bull. I can’t understand some matters related to heart. Now I understood that I have come out from the body of a bull, I am sorry if my feelings hurt you.”
“No sir, your daughter Barbara is like my knee. I have transferred all my businesses here on her name. I want you to see you as active as you were before I entered the market.”
Blake looked at him. He said sincerely, “Lee, I did not send her to you. Please take back your businesses here and be my friend. I will be back in the business soon.”
“Don’t worry sir, I will come back soon for your help in the business. Now what I have decided is for my satisfaction.” Lee said with happiness.
Blake embraced him and Lee went away. At the door, he saw Barbara whose eyes are filled with tears of thanks.
“Baby, He will be all right. I will come back soon to see him and work with him as my business partner. I want to see his smiles in business again.” Lee said.
As Lee was walking out towards his car Lamborghini Veneno as a lofty gentle man, Barbara smiled lightly. He appeared like her real uncle to accept what she requested.
Bull was a bull again in the business. He wants a place for a bull and he cannot be under looked as less to a bull. The mind over matter is always atop. He wants to be a bull and live like a bull, not less to it.