Family Short Story – BROTHERS(part 2)
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Arrey hugged his brother and Adi kiss his forehead saying you get all the happiness of heaven and Arrey said ” it was the worse trick any one could play on any one ever” and then a sharp noise ended the journey of flashback and he again started wondering what will be the result of his MISTAKE
Hows Arrey? Is he fine? concerned voice of Aditya Ray Chauhan inquired his over so lost wife. And the question was reframed on seeing her reaction, What happened to you? Are you ok?
Sahiba:yep i am fine, ( then hastily) I didn’t call him back. Why what happened?
Adi:I scolded him and asked him to leave i am in high doubt he will be fine, will you please call him. I want to talk to him.
Sahiba:Doctor have asked you to avoid stress I will call him later.
Adi:I will be in more stress if he will be mad at me I don’t know what devil entered me, he had water in his eyes when he came he must be scared of my accident and instead of consoling him i scolded him. What the hell I am going to do now.
Sahiba:He have already done so much to have an audacity to be mad at you. (she said in some what harsh tone)
Adi(raising his eyebrows in utter confusion):what do you mean?
Sahiba got the sudden realization of what he said and twisted her expression in sweet smile and say that ” means you had been in such a bad condition and he was so concerned and scared that i dont think so he will get mad at you.”
Adi was not at all swayed away by her words but decided to play along and said “yaa i know nurse was also saying that i am lucky to have a brother like him, how concerned he was when they bought me hear all the while un-shed tears were well placed in his eyes”
Sahiba: Thats what i was implying on. You know i had to threaten him to go back home just few hours before you wake up.
Sahiba’s trail of thoughts went back few hours ago when he was hospitalized and Arrey was crying like a kid holding his big brothers hand and doing all sorts of promise to be a nice person which was not a regular scene for the haughty and more then enough proud young business tycoon, but what to say the person who have already achieved everything at the start of his life, who is so successful at the age of 21 it is only natural for him to be bit proud of him self but that completely different thing that he is much more then bit proud. In fact he consider himself god here, his power has enough strength to destroy or make any one at this place, then she got a question for herself that how such a person can beg from her and how much pride he must have swallowed, but in hearts of hearts she know the reason, the reason was very simple when it comes to his brother he doesn’t consider anything not himself not his proud nor even any kind of self respect or dignity.
Some what unknowingly her chain of thoughts moved towards the point where she realized that if it wasn’t for Adi what would he have done to her for so boldly standing against him. She was standing against Aryan Ray Chouhan. She was called out of her thoughts by Adi asking her to call him and ask him to come tomorrow instead of tonight and also force him to have a peaceful sleep. He was secretly hoping that he may get to know what is the matter with his wife but no such luck. She went outside to call making an excuse of signals in the room.
Sahiba:your bhaiya told that you should stay at home tonight so go to bed and sleep well
Arrey:But why bhabhi did you tell anything to him, is he mad at me, bhabhi please don’t do this I am, I will die if you tell him anything.” desperation was underlining the voice of seemingly every time cool musician.
sahiba:No I haven’t said a word as doctors have told to avoid any stress on him but its matter of days because as soon as he becomes fine i am going to tell him this STORY from very beginning.”
Arrey:”No bhabhi please i will accept any punishment you dish out for me anything but please dont tell him any thing he will be… , hello are you listening ” so much silence made him feel that the line is drop.
sahiba:Yes i am, we will talk when i will be back home, sorry your home as it is made up of your earnings
arrey:Bhabhi please just one chance please please bhabhi any punishment but please don’t use sarcasms on me please.
(last please was quite irritated but he know her to well to think she would mind, from the very childhood he had seen her staying by his and his brother’s side, always trying to unite them. He had complete faith in her as a friend, as a brother. And she was the only person after his brother he respect.)
Sahiba: we will see later, now go to bed.
(concern was lying in her voice and a remote coloumn of remorse and guilt as well when she see or rather hear the child she was sworn to protect was begging and crying and yet she knew turning back now was turning back forever but to make the moment light she started shifting the topic in that direction where she knew instead of apologizing he would surely argue, and then they can go back to sleep with lighter mood atleast for now.)
You know Arrey how now a days women make sure to break the siblings bond after marriage and star their new life on their own accord but i choose to make this place a family I treated you as my own brother or mostly like a son but i think you deserved someone like your brother’s X who would make sure that your brother goes away from you. Do you remember her or forgotten.
Arrey spoke in a little and very sheepish voice he answered “bhabhi, i think you are mistaking here, sorry bhabhi but whenever bhaiya make a new relation it is never on the cost of old one i know that you have done allot for me just like a mother will do but I know my brother a lot. No women in this world can turn him into henpeck running around like a puppy. If it wasn’t you and someone who would like to have a nuclear family or I say would like to steal my brother from me she would have been thrown out till now of his life and brother hadn’t even given her a look after that how much he may have fallen for her or what ever the matter, it never would have been the issue then.” as expected by her she got an argument and the tension is light a bit now but she didn’t wanted to loose the topic at hand.
Sahiba:”yaa sure baby, it wouldn’t be an issue even when i tell your brother what you did and what you wanted just few days ago” (this very sentence was enough to suck the breath of his lungs but this time his retaliation instincts were more powerful)
Suddenly she was cut off in between and in rather a harsh tone she got an answer”I know my life is in you hands but, you have very well forgotten who am I” but as if realizing the person on the other hand is the one who have made certain amount of respect for herself in her heart he slows his tone and continued much politely and rather flatteringly which was quite a thing because it was the first time he have flattered some one of course except his brother but unfortunately when he flattered his brother for first and last time to get out of a punishment his punishment increased by two folds “and also I know you will not punish me for saying me whats truth that’s why i can share my views with my bhabhi with my mother, you have always been at my side since the day you are married and came to this house you have taken me as your son in fact more then your son and i know you will not punish me for pouring my heart out to you I was just giving my opinion about my brothers reaction, and suddenly the tone change to much of the regret I know what i did cannot be forgiven so easily but i know that a mother could not stop loving his child whatever the reason may be”
his trick seemingly work and at the mention of mother she lost all her anger at once, for one minute no one speak after that Sahiba feign some anger and told him to hung up the phone and go to bed now her wish was compiled immediately and after that her thoughts went to the time when she and Adi were just friends and Adi was attracted towards some one else. she grudgingly accepted that that girl was much beautiful and attractive then her but then one day………….
RONIKA the most beautiful girl of town was sitting with Aditya Ray Chouhan in an open jeep. Curly brown hairs, matching brown eyes rosy lips and were falling on her shoulders, trully beauty of an angel. Any men was ready to fall on the feet of such a beauty and accept to be treated as a slave but not Adi he was the man, man of words, not a male chauvinist but not a man who don’t have a spine to take a stand, the man who do not suppress but also doesn’t bare the pressure from any one. A TRUE MAN. The ride was genuinely romantic in its self but as the jeep turned towards a private area ride started getting more and more beautiful the area was full of different kinds of trees and the trees along the path which was used for traveling looked marvelous as they were decorated with red and white lights suddenly jeep came to halt in front of a gazebo from where in view was a beautiful lake which reflected the beautiful lighting of gazebo and surroundings and looked more outstanding.
Adi elegantly yet softly hold the hand of the pretty lady and lead her to the chairs settled in the gazebo after settling her took the seat at other end of the table suddenly Adi’s phone rang and seeing the number spread a broad smile on his face Ronika obviously getting jealous, “whose on line” Adi raise the phone in a way that she can also see ‘Arrey’ and a cute pic of a baby displaying which was Arrey’s childhood pic though not a word was exchange between the two but her irritation was clearly seen in her eyes
Arrey: bhai where are you,
Adi: suicide point
Arrey: Why, you are still not married to Ronika bhabhi and planned for suicide (a little laughter came from the other side and arrey continued) Bhai who will feed me dinner then you know i hate eating without you.
Adi(with the teasing smile):Then please tell me little bro that who come to feed you at your silly parties. Where you seemingly enjoy allot with or without me. (Adi was not much of the party person but went along many times to accompany his baby brother)
Arrey: That is really mean of you, you know I always enjoy your company more then any party. That to even when everybody knows how big of the party freak I am.
Adi:ok ok we will be back before dinner now stop crying like a baby. (voice clearly amused with his attics)
Arrey:Bhai you are great, love you.
Adi:love you too champ, now hung up.
Ronika:what was he saying
Adi: nothing much just babbling.
Ronika: Are you sure
Adi:What do you mean? (slightly confused)
Ronika: not much just making sure that if he is not mad at you.
Adi got a bit amused because Ronika had never taken much interest in his family before and just started toying with her to see what she have in mind.
Adi: I don’t care what he do or thinks why do you care so much?
Ronika: no baby you should (this statement spread a smile on his face as he thought that she have started taking him as her own brother or may be just trying to be part of the family and is consider about his well being or just trying to sort thier misunderstandings which he always hoped her wife will do. The only quality he wanted in his life partner was that he make his family not break it but soon her next line shattered all his hopes and dreams) you should be in his good books as he alone is responsible for all the wealth your family have. ( this line hurt him to no end he was not hurt about the fact that his little brother have become so much successful to support his living but the fact that after convincing her so much she still take him as a piggy bank or atm card rather then family and this fact hurt him allot. But being a gentleman he didn’t let it to be shown from his face and asked her to go through the menu as he was in much hurry of leaving now.
Suddenly he was bombarded with other question “Adi your brother loves you allot na” as disturbed he was already he nod his head with the faint smile because the topic of his younger brother being so much obedient and loving towards him made him feel so much proud of himself, but this time this prospect also helped a bit only as the words of love of his life left him devastated a while ago. “will you ask him to prove his love” when she was being stared with the blank expression she continued ” look dude i am the most beautiful girl of the town every body knows that but i choose you so for this favor you can make sure that we live alone after marriage without any one else” now his face was stoic he replied “and my family” he paused to see her expressions “you know my brother doesn’t eat without me my mother my father every one, what about them”.
This was a statement more then a question but he wanted to know more, to hear more, to know how wrong he was to choose the girl for him self. His stoic face not let any of his inside turmoil out, but he was utterly heart broken. On seeing rather realizing that the game is not in her hand and she was about to loose, there comes her final weapon she started seducing him with slow music and her charm which was impossible to resist and so she smiled victoriously as he began dancing with her but as the music stop she thought she won and now the ball is in her court and begin to lay her conditions which every women of today keep to break the bond of a family but was cut in between,
“i don’t know which kind of people they are who don’t give damn about their families and get separated to make a new one, for me ‘marriage is done to extend a family not to break one or make a completely new one’. I personally hate those kind of fools who can forget the love of their family and start the life with someone they met a few days ago, if the love is deep and true they can fairly adjust with the families of each other. How much beautiful may the girl appears her outer beauty cannot match inner beauty and if she is beautiful from inside it never occurs the question of the face value, the girl who will truly love me she will be with my family till the very end, she will tie my family members with each other and i am sure soon enough all will understand the difference i am sorry but i cant carry this relationship further”
with this they left for their home ride till Ronika’s home was silent but as soon as the jeep stopped in front of her house she spoke again but this time regret was lining her eyes, this was the first time she realized what she wanted from life, a home to go back from work, a family yes she wanted luxuries but today she realized that the luxuries were the fill up for loneliness in her life
“Can…..Can i get a chance once again to be with you and your family, I promise I will give so much love to you and your brother”
but was cut off in between and Adi spoke very politely and humbly ” look babes, today I controlled my self but later I may I may not resist my temptations regarding you, no doubt you are the most pretty girl in town and next time if i get out of my senses and sided with you rather then my family I will not bare that baby, but as a friend if i make you a request will you accept it ”
She said humbly first time in her life “please say”
a smile adorned his lips “please promise me that where ever you will go after marriage you will always join hearts their and give every one the much desired love, we all need love, we all need it more then anything else but yet fail .realize it” she hugged him last time being a totally new person and the parted as lover forever though they are still in touch as friends.
present day somewhere in Ludhiana
Ronika the favorite and happiest bahu of Verma family a loving bhabhi, bahu mother and wife and also the most successful and highest earning doctor of the town. She still don’t know how to cook, she still is very much engage in fashion but now instead of mocking others with her fashion sense she advice others and as a result every one in her family come to seek advice from her, oh! how important she feel and that was all she needed to feel important, to feel loved.