Short Story Family – Bro’s love

Short Story Of Family – Bro’s love
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
Photo credit: amyheflinger from
“See you uncle!!!”
Screamed Raj as he ran past his nearly 50 year old unmarried uncle. Raj by the way was on his way to college. His uncle Omprakash just smiled and sat down to have his morning tea and then his mind wandered back to the past, April 20, 2012 Omprakash was then a dashing psychology student and since he was a psychology let us say that he was ‘studying’ the various side effects of various types of love that his friends experienced (Well for the non psychology student ‘studying’ would mean simply mean seeing but since this guy had a psychology background he would not simply see but also ‘study’) Despite his good looks he never ran behind women nor interacted with them too much as he knew love then was a waste of time and his aim was to complete his psychology degree with distinction.
Well there are many types of love he thought, real love which existed way before the year 2000 or so he thought and time pass love where couple would chat, make out and break up over a cup of coffee, yes after mobiles and social networking sites became a big hit with the masses. He was very much aware of the symptoms that people in love displayed some of them being a smile on the lips all the time, humming love songs and being more preoccupied than Mr Ratan Tata himself (of course before he retired).
He suddenly started noticing these symptoms in his sister and with his intelligence found out that his sister was in love with a guy named kumar, being a brother obviously meant that he wanted to rip apart the intestines of this guy out with his bare hands and yes he was super angry. A few months passed and being familiar with the time pass love phenomenon he believed that this would pass soon and his sister would come to her senses after the breakup but fate had other things in mind.
December 25, 2012 his sister came up to him and told him about the guy she loved. Well any normal brother would have said a no and then as the movies have portrayed over the centuries both the sister and her lover would dance and do crazy things to win over the heart of the brother. But Omprakash shouted out at the top of his voice and told his sister to get out of the house and never come back. His sister was one tough nut and she left vowing never to come back.
Well, Omprakash was a psychology student with a golden heart and after he discovered that his sister had fallen in love or in biological terms found her mate he was initially angry but then got used to the fact that his sister would get married some day and leave the house and he would have to get used to her absence. He also realized that by saying no now his sister would either never marry or would not be happy with the person her brother chose for her. So the logical choice was to get his sister angry and ensure that she ran away and be happy for the rest of her life. Being the good brother he was he would regularly stalk his sister to make sure she was happy and this went on for two years until a newspaper report scarred him forever.
A little shudder went down his spine as he remembered the headline of the article.
“Couple die in front of child in car crash”
Below which was a photo of his sister and her husband. His heart went out for his sister’s son Rajesh nicknamed Raj who was just about a year old. He decided to raise Raj all by himself and also decided not to marry so that he could love his sister’s son with all his heart.
He beamed a small smile as he remembered his thoughts on the different types of love and decided to add one more up to that category. “Bro’s Love”