Family Short Story – Antigravity
Photo credit: vandit from morguefile.com
It have been in his mind always, could not say he is born with it but in the events of getting old to his present age it got into his mind many times over and over and now .
Why we cannot fly ?
What is so great in being grounded ?
He was always confused over these questions especially during mornings.
As always his day today started with scolding from his father, “It’s about to be noon, he is still sleeping, still not have started earning, no responsibility. I don’t know what he will become. Do you have any plans in your mind ?”
His ears are now used to it that they can hear those words even before it is out from his father’s vocal chord.
Amma coffee…
“Varun..your coffee, why you are always scolding him in morning itself . He is educated, he will get a job soon.”
Achan made a sarcastic smile.
This drama always ends the same but every time makes him determined but later waits for the next turn.
After breakfast Varun is out to his own world in his imaginations. The engineering classes have made his imaginations wide as that was what he used to do during those classes. At that time it was about a bright future and now as the bright future of then is not so bright now so have stopped imagining about future but focused more on that luring question
Why cannot we fly ?
His father always scolds him and says the same dialogues every time but the other day he said something that gave some light to Varun’s questions about being able to fly.
“Varun, you are just as extra weight on Earth, a waste”
This strike him and on further thought he made a conclusion that not only him, everyone on this Earth is an extra weight on Earth. Why Earth needs extra weights ?
Earth is a rotating body part of a rotating system from the basic balancing principles in dynamics of rotating bodies,mass addition will be for balancing i.e. static balancing. Each one of us on the Earth are added as extra masses for maintaining the balance of the Earth ,which is a rotating body.
When a mass fly with the help of external means then moments are generated by the working of the external mean leading to dynamic balancing. If the imbalance amount due to which one is held to the Earth is balanced by some external means then that one will be released from the gravitational pull of the Earth , if we could control the imbalance level then we could control the gravity pull of Earth on us leading us to be levited .This will make us able to fly using a small amount of propelling force.
Varun made his theory based on his ideas and deductions; finally he came into conclusion that flying is a possibility by the way he have imagined. Without the help of a carrying vehicle we could fly, we just need to balance the imbalance of the Earth which is very directly linked to us. He was very convinced about his theory made a clear manuscript and was getting ready to sent it some international journals.
Then he heard his father calling him. “Varun,Postman have got something for you.”
“Acha,am coming.”
It was a registered letter, more specifically appointment order from State bank of India for the Clerical Post.
“Varun,what’s it ?” asked his father.
“Acha, its the appointment order from State Bank of India,Clerical post.”
His father raised from his chair with joy. Varun saw his father feeling very much proud and happy after a long time. He too became overwhelmed . Amma was almost crying in joy.this is something what he dreamed before. A permanent job and happy parents.
Varun purposefully forgot his theory, he did not post it. Joined the bank at a branch near his home.
Daily went for work came back, his manuscript waited for him for long but he did not notice. Varun got married eventually, became a father himself two, times-years passed. That manuscript still waited there for the old Varun.
One day his wife found it from his old books.
“Varun,I found this from your old books..is it something important.”
Varun did not heard her as he was reading something seriously. He was reading an article about the latest developments in Antigravity.
“Varun..Varun”..his wife called again and again.
“Yes, Veena what is it.”
“I found this from your old books just see it is important or not.”
Varun jumped up and grabbed it from her read it with keen interest. Then he read the article and sat back taking a deep breath.
“Varun, what happened ?” asked Veena.
Varun gave both the manuscript and the article to her. She read both..and sit startled.
“Varun , this.. this you should have published it at that time. I cant believe it. You could have changed the world.”
Varun again made a deep breath. “Yeah ,but I had to choose. Change the world or change for your family. Parents and their happiness , I could not give much for them for a long time, that moment when I got the job, it was like I gave them everything and I did not wanted to destroy it. World is still out there ready to be changed but moments like that will not come again. Parents are what holds us to this world ,there love is like gravity always attractive .We may find Anti-gravity in many forms I too found it but opted to forget it as I know the value of the gravity I have experienced. So I choose my parents over the world.”
Varun smiled.
Veena too.