Short Story Family – AMIRA
Photo credit: pablogv2004 from morguefile.com
Hi dear,
I am not sure of how you would react to what I am about to say. I want to let you know that our relation does not have any effect because of this. I may not be so expressive when I talk, so please read this letter darling.
I am extremely happy that you came in to my life and I will always be thankful to god. You taught me so many things. You made me laugh, cry, and realize my responsibilities. I have been happy without any reason many times just because of you. You completely transformed me; I am definitely a better person than before. I still remember the first day we met, the first day I carried you in my arms. I still remember how you smelled. You will always remain special no matter what happens.
But I have to tell you, I am in love all over again!!!! Don’t get furious, she is just like you. You will definitely love her. Its love at first sight, same as it was with you. You both have a lot in common. I get to know a different person in me when I am with both of you. I think we will make a great team. Don’t worry I won’t ask you to share any of your favourite stuff with her. She will also have everything of what you have; all she needs is your love and warmth.
I know all you wanted was your own sister but you have to understand your mom and I also were deeply saddened when this happened. I can still remember how happy you were to know that it was a girl and jumped around with joy, you made lot of phone calls to your friends, grandparents, aunts and uncles telling them you were going to have sister soon after Christmas. You started searching for names, you made us laugh so hard with so many weird names that you came up with and we all finally settled for ‘AMIRA’.
You didn’t even listen to your mom when she said that the name sounded like more of an Islamic than a Christian name. You said that it meant ‘Princess’ and you want your baby sister to be a princess. We still remember you asking ‘what? Names have a religion too?’ . You taught us a lesson and you can’t even imagine our joy and pride for having you. I also have to confess one thing with you; I secretly read the letter you wrote to Santa asking for beautiful clothes, stylish shoes and everything for your Amira.
My Princess, I know the grief you have gone through when you learnt that god has taken your Amira with him. I was more worried about how to tell this to you than your mom. It was so hard for me to hold my tears back, but I had to. I promised Amira that I will take care of you and your mom. It took me a year to make things back to normal for your mom but you were not able to get out of it. The other night when you asked your mom that you wanted your sister again. She broke down into tears. We have something to tell you princess. Your mom can never have a baby. You are all what we have, you are our everything and to make you happy we have decided to bring your Amira back to you.
We need your help for that and we need your word that the baby we are about to adopt will be your Amira. I am sure she will add colour to our lives.
I don’t just want her to have our surname. I want you to protect her, love and care for her and truly accept her as Amira.
Let us start our lives again sweetheart. You lost your sister and the baby lost her family. We are trying to set things right for both of you. Let us welcome her into our little world sweetheart.
Nothing will be done against your will but if you want this to happen you have to forget that she is being adopted and she should not know about this at any point of time in her life.
I will be waiting for your reply my princess.
I re read it so many time before dropping it off on my daughters desk. We were waiting for her reply or some kind of gesture desperately. We saw a paper slipping by our door.
I asked Ellen to pick it up for me. She sank in the chair crying hard with the letter covering her face. I Panicked and snatched the letter and I realized those were the tears of joy. We hugged and kissed. The paper fell off my hands but I can still read those big bold letters written on it.