Family Short Story – Agony of a father
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
SUNDAY morning is a leisure time for me. It was enjoying my holiday when suddenly my mobile rang. I got up to pick up the mobile from my study table. It was Ravi’s usual Sunday call. We exchanged our pleasantries and Ravi suddenly enquired about our common friend Ramesh. Ramesh was out of touch since last three months. I completed the call and then decided to ring Ramesh to know about his welfare. But Ramesh’s mobile number was switched off.
Then I logged on to Gmail and thought of dropping a mail to Ramesh. Luckily, Ramesh was online and we started chatting. I enquired about his mobile and he replied that its battery had gone down and he has now kept it on charging. I invited him to come on Skype. While speaking, I could see that he was feeling bit low and I asked him to share his feelings. Ramesh tried to avoid it and later gave in to my insistence. He said that he has to logoff now but he will drop a mail to me in the evening.
The day passed off with shopping and a visit to our relatives. In the evening, I was enjoying Charlie Chaplin shows with my kids on television. At 9pm, everyone was invited at dinner table. I along with my kids rushed to enjoy the Sunday cuisine. Sunday is always a day for special dishes in our home. We heartily enjoyed sweet dish. The kids were persuading me to ask their mother for an extra spoon of sweet dish. After dinner, I again logged on to Gmail to check my mails. Ramesh had indeed dropped a mail.
Dear Anil,
I am writing today from the core of my heart. You are the only one with whom I share everything.
These days all of a sudden, I have started thinking about my son, Sahil. In my inner quest, I always wanted to meet him but I never wished to give an extra advantage to his mother or his grand-parents. (I recalled that Ramesh had separated from his wife and they had not met in last 11 years).
I know Sahil is now 11 years old and can very much understand my absence in his life. I am quite sure that his mother and his granny must have spit ugly venom in his mind against me. But despite that I feel we will meet some day. I am just waiting for the end of divorce proceedings so that I could easily meet my son without giving any advantage to his mother or his grand-parents.
Actually, I only initiated the court proceeding for divorce as I wanted to meet my son. Though my lawyer had promised that I would be over in mere two years, but almost five years have passed and there no trace of closure of court case. I feel my lawyer has betrayed me and is literately delaying the case. These days one can really rely on lawyer words. A lawyer is indeed a liar.
His aunty is working in Pune and I feel that Sahil must be coming to Pune in summer vacations. Though I do not know her exact location but I know that she works for some defense establishments in Baner area of Pune city. Once I thought of writing to her to persuade her parents to close the case but as ill luck it is that I have deleted her email id from my account. Now there is no source to contact her. My Bad luck!
I somehow feel that Sahil may come over to me when he is 18 years old. I do not have any proof for it but my six senses say that it may be possible. Although, I want to meet Sahil immediately but I do not know what Almighty GOD has kept in store for me.
Suresh, I do not where I have committed blunder in my life that I have to face all these circumstances in life. A number of my friends and relatives married before and after me and all of them all living a happy family life. Owing to my disturbed personal life, I do not mix up with lot many people. I rarely attend any marriage functions and meet any relatives. This is because everyone starts discussing about my married life. I cannot blame them when my own father thinks other way. He feels that I could not manage my married life and should mend my ways with my wife. My mother is the only person in our family who understands my pain. My mother feels very sad when I ring her. She feels sorry for my present personal and financial state. May GOD bless her!
These days I am praying before Almighty GOD for speedy end of my and my mother’s worries. I do not know when our worries will end.
I felt very sorry for Ramesh and immediately started drafting my reply to Ramesh. My wife who had just come by my side asked me to invite Ramesh for lunch on next Sunday.
Dear Ramesh,
Destiny is very strong. One cannot fight his/her destiny. Well, I suggest you to change your lawyer so that your divorce case closes faster.
Pray to Almighty GOD as he only can resolve your problems. I will also pray for you.
Let us meet next Sunday. Even Ravi was enquiring about you. Ring me and let us meet on Sunday. Even my mother was enquiring about you.