Family Moral Story – This Is For You Dad
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
This Is For You Dad, is a lovely moral story of tight emotional bonding between a father and his daughter. An ideal father is he who love and support his child, same is for an ideal child too. Here we will see how a daughter becomes inspiration for her father and at the end how she brings recognition for her anonymous father, who lost his goodwill and fame after retirement.
“Come on Dad, just one more try, you can do it” Parul encourage her Dad to get up from the bed, whose whole body is paralyzed from five years.
Poor Dad trying to wake up from bed, but not being able to do so in pain-“No, I can’t, it’s very painful”
Earlier Two Years
Parul’s Dad, Mr.Vedprakash Rastogi, retired as a central government employee. Parul is an engineer by profession. She was not willing to marry, as after her mother’s death, accept Parul nobody was there to take care of her Dad.
One pleasant Sunday morning Dad sitting with Parul in lawn, says-
“After retirement I feel like a free bird, it was hectic and monotonous to do the office work every day, now my only desire is that before I close my eyes, my darling daughter gets married, so that I can go and take last holy bath at river Ganga, who knows when there will be a call from God”
“First of all let me clear you I am not going to marry. And dear Dad you are not old enough to go for pilgrimage now. Before that you have to do many works”
“What else a retired person can do accept sleeping, eating and listening Bhagwat Geeta on Astha”
“You are forgetting your hobby of writing Dad. Earlier due to hectic schedule, that was not possible for you, now you can explore your writing skill. Your job just gave you money, but not enough recognition which you deserve, this is the time to get fame and let the world recognize you and your aptitude”
“No Beta, its not possible for me to write in this age. My hands trembles when I write anything with pen. What will the society say-‘see Mr.Rastogi after retirement has no money for his livelihood that is why he started writing to earn”
Parul gets angry says- “Ok then, just think about what other people says, forget what I said. And remember one thing they are not going to fulfill your dream, it’s you who has to work on it if you are willing to do so”
Parul goes inside; leave Dad alone to think about this matter seriously.
One day, Parul enters her father’s room to take newspaper, where she finds the room is very untidy, so she starts cleaning his room, where in one almirah, she gets some earlier written articles by him on various topics, like child labor and girl education. Very soon without informing her Dad she sends those articles for publishing to the editor of one weekly magazine.
Within a week, his article published. Parul shows it to her Dad, who gets surprised to see that. She tells him everything about how it was possible, and tries to encourage and convince him to write more-
“Think Dad, such a small article can give you so much admiration then what will happen when you write more such articles and stories. Don’t worry my dear Dad; I am always there to support you. I will buy a laptop, so that you don’t have to write so much with pen. There are many online publishers who can publish your stories”
Dad thinks for a while, then says- “Ok my Princess, for your wish I will write, but I don’t want my readers to know me, so let me write as anonymous person”
“But Dad………………………..”
“I said no then no”
Parul agrees to it, now Mr.Rastogi started writing short stories in both Hindi and English. Readers appreciated his work. Within six months he became so popular author, some reputed publishers tried to contact through mail, but he was not ready to write for them since he will be recognized, which he don’t want to be.
Time went on this way; Parul’s Dad continued writing online without getting acknowledged.
One day Mr.Rastogi was returning from market, suddenly a bus hits him while he was crossing the road. He faints there in pool of blood, one well wisher sees him, calls the ambulance and informs about it to Parul.
Parul got scared and rush to hospital, where her father was being operated. Doctor comes out and informs his father is now out of danger but due to clotting of blood his whole body is paralyzed, accept the upper portion.
Parul can’t control her sentiments; burst crying in shock as she doesn’t want to see her father in such a critical condition. The doctor consoles her- “Don’t react this way in front of your Dad if you want to see him alive, as any shock is dangerous for his life. He needs your support; boost him up both physically and mentally so that very soon he can recover”
Parul controls her emotion and went inside smiling- “So my great Dad, you wanted to rest after your retirement that is why you became ill today. I know why you are doing so, now you want me to take all care of you as you did till date for me. Don’t worry; I will care in better way than you”
Mr.Rastogi starts crying in pain but, Parul controls him.
After two weeks he is discharged from hospital, doctor says to take special care of him now. At home a nurse is there for twenty-four hours to take care of Mr.Rastogi, but whenever Parul is there, she cares herself.
(One year passes away)
“Come on Dad, just one more try, you can do it”
“No, I can’t its very painful. My life is now of no use, Oh! God please call me, I don’t want to be burden on my daughter anymore”
“Stop it Dad! Be positive, doctor said very soon you will be alright, please don’t lose hope. How come God will call you now only, before that you have lot of things to do. First of all get recognized as a well known writer, then with your writing skill become popular not as an anonymous person but as what you are, Mr.Vedprakash Rastogi and last but not the least you want to see me getting married, isn’t it”
“Now it’s not possible Beta”
“If there is a will, there is way, so nothing is impossible. I have holidays on Saturday and Sunday, on system you use your brain, I will use my hand”
“I can’t get it what you meant?”
“Oh my Dad, in simple words you expand your sharp ideas on writing, I will just write what you say on system, and then I will contact some of great publishers who can publish your work, who knows one day you will be another Chetan Bhagat”
Parul started working on to give her father recognition as a great author.
After finishing story, she sent it to a publisher.
“Don’t know whether my story is liked by readers or not, two month passed but there is no response from any publisher. I don’t have any problem if it’s rejected, but my daughter’s hope is attached with it” (Mr.Rastogi was talking with his nurse)
Suddenly landline phone rings, nurse says- “Sir, there was a call from Parul Didi, she asked to switch on television as some important news is there”
Mr.Rastogi is astonished to see Parul live on television, standing on stage and receiving an award for his Bestseller story-
“This is for you Dad, you did it. Dear audience and readers thank you for recognizing my father, Mr.Vedprakash Rastogi whom you all appreciated as an author, and made his story, the Bestseller. He has a good writing skill but due to our orthodox thought process of society he wanted to kill his ambition of a great writer. When I forced him he decided to write, but due to an accident got paralyzed. After my mother’s death, Dad gave me affection of both mother and father; he faced many problems in my upbringing, but never ever gave up or complained about it. Today it was my turn to do a small contribution in giving him recognition. I am proud of you Dad”
This short moral story gives message to all son and daughter to love and respect your parents who sacrificed their whole life for your upbringing in a best way, but never complained about it. It’s not that they gave birth so it’s their duty to do so. It is our responsibility also to love, support and care about them whenever they need us. If we can also think like Parul, then definitely our parents will also get recognition like Mr.Rastogi for their talent, and all parents will give their affection and blessings to us, which is the most precious gift for any child from his or her parents.