Short Story from Childhood – The Broken Water Pistol
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
“Ok ,see you after the holi break”said Amit and we shook hands.
“Ok, see you,Bye” said I and turned back to go home.
A hard hit to my back.I turned back in rage.
“This was in debt” said Sailaish
My face flushed with anger and I retaliated with a slap to his face and now his face turned red.
“Why did you hit me? he yelled
“Cause you hit me first” said I and ran away he followed me for a distance but halted in between as he was out of breath.I was very happy as I had taken my revenge for a stupid”back attack” and went home strolling but my back still hurted.
“Why did you hit him back?”said mom. “You should have told your teacher or me or his mother. You are spoiling day by day,your grades are falling and complains increasing. NO TV for a week”
She turned back and went to the kitchen for holi preparations
I went to my room and changed my uniform and was wondering who told her the incidence and later came to know that his mother had called up to tell the incident but added mix of spices to it.
3 days passed and Holi was on the 4th day
Men had sung.
“Holika dahan” had taken place. And my shopping for holi was done. Water balloons, colour,water pistol(pichkari) all done well in time. All thanks to my dear father.
I was very excited to try out my new water gun.We had got 2 one for me and my sister who too was very excited to try it out. So we loaded our guns and went out in the verandah to play. We started firing on each other giggling and smiling and were soaked in no time. While playing the water accumulated on the floor and as we were playing I slipped and fell face first on the floor. I went crying and agonising in pain and my mother came out running
“What happend? she asked my sister
“We were playing and he fell”
She took me inside gave me first aid, applied some cotton to my lips. l looked in the mirror my lips were swollen bad covered with traces of blood. She scolded me and took the pistol which was still in my hand and smashed it faintly against the wall. It did not break but its head came out. She took the pieces and disappeared in the next room.
I was sad and went crying again but not until she left the scene. She came back and plugged in the tv for me and went to the kitchen. Later I went in the room and had a sneak peek to find my pistol but I could not find it and was extremely sad.
10 years have passed.
Cleaning the basement I find that broken pistol covered with dust and small cockroaches come out of it as I open it. At the time it was broken I could not understand the reason why it was broken and had at thought that my mother is bad as she had broken my new water pistol.
But now whenever I recall this instance I fell like hugging my mother.
“As she broke it so that i am never hurt again because of it”
Love you mom!