A real life story: Worst Extrusion
Image Source: www.cepolina.com
One and a half hour after dusk around 7:30 pm, a day of December 2011, my amma asked to me to buy some tomatoes from nearby shop. I came out from the kitchen door forcefully by her because I am always lazy. I get in to my bicycle Hercules Atom and pulled out from the shed.
At there, I saw him. He was sitting in front of my cycle, darkness reflected from him and he was staring at me!……I took my butts away from the seat, put the stand and walked near to him slowly slowly!….
Hey dude, it’s just my pet dog! His name is equal to ”Crazy-jack” ,innocent looking, thin and brown dog Oh I forgot….he is the unquestionable hero of this story and he got this opportunity only because of an event that took a turn in his life. Then who is me? isn’t?….I am only a 15 years old boy who is narrating a really happened story and I just came out of the cycle just to pat him. After making my job done [patting], I took my palms and placed it around his cheeks then, gazed towards his shining black liquid eyes. That was bright! And cute….his eyes was the most significant and attractive thing belonging to him. My tuition teacher of chemistry, I call her ”Veena Chechi” once said that ‘‘his eyes are looking like a black eye liner eyes!” so amazingly. And many other had also commented about it even my amma.
Then I again took my bicycle hercu…… ….. {Fill it} And starts riding towards shop after saying
‘അമ്മെ, പോയിട്ട് വരാം ‘
That mean ”Mother, I will come back after leaving”. In our society, this type of sentence is used to build up a positive altitude that is, I am not leaving for ever……
I get into the road. It was dark .There was only a little street lights like stars on a cloudy day. I started cycling with making flute sounds from my mouth and without minding the surroundings then I felt uncomfortable in riding slowly so I increased my speed. Freezing wind produced because of the speed and that make my hairs sleeping on my hands erect so I diminished my swiftness. When I was in a perpendicular road joining,
I heard a sudden sound
”DISHHH!” with break clutching
I vibrated and looked back. I found that my dog got hit—by— a—bike rider! “Sh**t” And my dog was crying unconsciously with putting his hands over his head! Oh my god, I became nervous. Within seconds, the dog got up and starts running recklessly and as faster as I had ever seen! Like a drunken man riding a car through the Indian road and then he fallen into on to little water channel at the side of the road….again rise up and starts running .I was scared at the point of that incident. The bike rider claimed
”It’s not my mistake, the dog crossed my bike fastly when I was near to him….& that leads to this accident”
I am sure, on the bike rider’s eyes I seemed very anxious .I can’t recognize his face because he is out of the boundary of the street light and soon he escaped.
Auto mamma, who was a witness on that place. Who came as a reliever and said ”You don’t need to be worried Appu(my pet name) He will be alright. There is no problem when a dog hit by a bike the reason is; in many cases when a dog got hit by a bike, the outputs are only to the biker. Some times after hitting a dog the biker will flew up and fell down but today’s biker was saved luckily”
Yes it really relived me for a night long. Then I maintain a steady confidence on my mind and I didn’t turned back to search for my dog. ‘The dog runs recklessly maybe because of his sudden shock by the hit. He would come back soon’ I thought. Then I brought tomatoes and gave it to my Amma and forwarded all the things happened without losing a little comma. She became depressed and called crazy jack until 11’ o clock but can’t find a little sign of him. So she requested me to find him tomorrow morning.
Whenever we call crazy jack, he just ran towards us with wagging his tail. If he is in chain, he just wags his tail and suddenly stop. “Crazy Jack!” wags his tail for few seconds then stop. Again “Crazy jack” wags and stops. Again! Ha haa! We just made Fun of him but on that day—-
When I am on the bed before my long eye shut, “ Why crazy jack followed me? I don’t think it’s because to guard me actually because he was a frightening little boy. Perhaps, he followed me because of his affectionate love and thankfulness towards me. That love makes him go blind through the road that caused the accident. Poor dog. God, don’t make any harm to him” I prayed.
I just took a narrow nap during writing this story OK let’s get into the narrative, Tomorrow morning arrives, crows crying, my hens making sounds and waiting for their release from their coop, Amma calling me to wake up. These things regularly happen on my days. I woke up…. {Not totally} and get on my bicycle Hercules Atom and started searching for him. I had ridden unconsciously….. There was full of fog in my eyes all because of my partially woke up mind. On the way, I saw Naanumoopar and he informed that ”I saw your dog around here just now” then he goes away. I came to happiness ”Aaa! Nothing happened thank god”. I called him many times, ‘‘Crazy Jack” so loudly and by rotating the axle slowly. When I was near on a banyan tree at the side of the road, ”Here he is!!So grateful, lucky” I was seeing only his back at that time. He showed his response towards me by running away from me! I couldn’t understand ”why?” at first. He was trying to hide something away from me. I read his complete sadness through his walk. Something like -getting rid of me with breaking unbreakable yarn. I called him again ‘Crazy Jack’ he run towards a home near the tree and lie in front of it with exhaustion. I followed him.
He turned his head towards me by wagging his tail and smiling at me
I saw something on his face. On the first sight I couldn’t understand what’s on it. Then I REALISED!
Suddenly, my pulse rate stood up…. my breath paused………. Then I exactly woke upped and fog around my eyes disappeared in fear of that terrifying scene…………. For the first time of my life, aa I savv…. it!…..
……… THE DOG WAS WITHOUT HIS RIGHT EYE!!!!!Oh My gad! The bloody eye ball came out of the eye socket and it was hanging!! That was dirty! It was also broken and the the REDDISH BROWN blood was clotted around it.
‘Aaeaaehee!’ I screamed in a ghostly voice. I felt someone squeezing my heart…..and that was really Haunting. Now it’s pinching my emotions even if I am writing this story. I was like Hiroshima after bomb blast. I moved my cycle out of him with terror but
Now I can remember his help asking ugly face with a faint smile, nodded at me and gazing upward with one eye. He must have been waited for a little pat, for a short release from his grievous pain.
I rotated my cycle towards my home. Crazy jack was also following me. By the reason of his ghoulish face, I don’t want my dog to come near to me so I increased my cycle speed. Without leaking my eyes… I was crying, REALLY CRYING; because that was different from any other worst time….Totally different…something like a variety minds spark.
My amma and brother was waiting for me on the road side. She raised her tips of her lips as she sawed crazy jack following me from distance. I informed her “Crazy jack lost his eyes’’ by the action of my hands when I am on the cycle. She said ‘Ayyo!’’ with lowering her lips and making the eye brows curved to opposite. Then I landed there. The dog entered. Amma put him on a shed.
“He knew he had lost something valuable that made him ugly that’s why he possessed shame when I found him. This taught me that dogs also have some egos. He felt the lost with more than a worst experience. I can’t imagine his deadly pain when at the time of the eye out but I know it was too much than piercing a long screw on our brain. Now I got the answer for why he ran recklessly through the road. He wouldn’t lose his eyes if he hadn’t followed me to show his love” my mind was actually taking to me when I was on the study table.
I always hesitated to see irritating videos and photos but today I really saw it with my own eyes!’’ I don’t know how to express that real strong feeling of the scene through writing because its lot more than a ……oh….sorry I can’t
At there, on his face, We had noticed a protuberance or bulge on the upper part of his nose and right near his ghoulish bad eye ‘’That must have been came out as a result of the accident’’ Any way we don’t take it seriously
The dirty broken eye ball was hanging from the socket and watering however he showed pyro-electric smartness after filling his tummy with warm milk. On that day, Amma called up a compounder around 50, working in a veterinary hospital to show Crazy Jack. The compounder is a well dressed spectacled man who is also our neighbor. He suggested
“The best way is to kill him by injecting dog poison’’
He continued “There is no hope for the dog to live longer. In spite of experiencing this pain, just make the pulse stop” but at that snap shot, she was showing resistance towards his opinion.
That memorable mind killing day passed away, on the next day( Day 2 of the bad event), Amma brought Crazy Jack to the government veterinary hospital by Auto. Peoples on that hospital had showed a bad smile on their lips when amma brought the ugly eyed priceless dog. At first the doctor didn’t treated Crazy Jack… he not even just… looked at him, he treated other animals instead. Its reason may be-our dog was a common dog in the low category were stray dogs belongs & this type of dogs are freely available in our country because they are all over India. But amma clapped and called the doctor and he came with hesitation. He touched that hanging dirty eye with gloved fingers. My dog cried and makes “gurrr’’ at him. This shows that
“the nerve connection from the brain to the eye isn’t lost. There for his eye lid can be stitched with the skin only after the natural extirpation of hanging ball’’ after a little break
“It is seriously infected. Why don’t you bring him yesterday, at the day of the incident? We should give him first aid and that can cause a relive for him’’ again after a little pause the doctor continued “The dog is seriously infected so killing this dog is the best option” Here also she resisted his suggestion and asked him to suggest some medicines instead.
She tried a 50-50 chance for Crazy Jack’s life. The expense for the medicines are little huge. We bought Crazy Jack just for 5 Rupees! From my aunty, Ambika. Although she offered it for free but it is believed that getting a dog must only by giving money. It is a traditional belief of our society and we can say it as a formality. Oh I forgot to write how the freaky name “Crazy Jack” became his own. Here….catch through your eyes…
When Ambika aunty got this dog from her son in law, she thought that it’s the crossing of Pomeranian female dog and Alsatian male dog because the both parents look like it on her eyes when she saw them before. When she felt discomfort with this dog she gave it to me and at that pleasure moment, because of that dog’s character and in the memorial of our passed away loveable dog ‘Jacky’, I called him ‘Crazy Jack’, my bro also followed my way of calling but my amma called him just “Crazy”. Later, I received that this dog just belongs to the stray dog’s category from that I realized that he don’t deserve that name
Let’s come back to the time we had been before… My dog needed every day injection. My amma did that job regularly and she also pour eye drops many times a day. The dog was forgetting about his loss by day by day. My amma’s sympathy was extreme. She appeared as a home nurse for him. She shows a special affectionate towards him like a child. I don’t know why she is so because Once, months before this incident, when she discovered that Crazy Jack stolen the meat and felt useless to this houses since he was not doing a job as a home guard, she took the dog in an auto and dropped little long away from my home to make the dog get rid of the house. But he came back after a few days then she doesn’t ever tried to get him off. I found her love only after the incident now I understood “that was the real Definition of Sympathy”
Many people questioned her “Can’t u kill the dog with just giving a poison?’’ She answered it all simply with another question mark—- “If any one of your family member got this eye out, do you ever try to kill them by giving poison?!’’ That made the questioners’ cave on their face to close.
“This biker would hit you and make your eyes out of it. If you were without the dog” this was said by someone now I can’t memorize that person. He don’t try to point Crazy Jack’s heroism but on a traditional belief ……it is believed that dogs, cats, sheep, cow, hen, fishes etc Who lives in our home By the food given by us Are responsible to absorb the bad thing that came to us that’s what the dog did. But I am not believing in any type of traditional beliefs.
….Days passed away, I hadn’t treated him or go in front of him. It’s all are done by amma. Now, the useless hanging thing is gone there for the eye lids are closed but he was still an eye sore for me so I thought that he could have a duplicate eye so that I could come in front of him. But it’s not easy to get a duplicate eye of a dog………….“crapp!”
A dog’s love is the real true love & no other living thing can love anyone like a dog does. It’s a specialty that is seen only in dogs. The number of oscillation of a dog’s tail shows the measure of his/her love. In the case of my dog, his 80% of love was towards me and the remaining 20% was to my amma, brother and other livings. In case of me also, I loved him so much. He always came towards me with wagging his tail but I always run away from him after that accident. He must have got a lesson that the most loving person will may not be with him in a bad situation of him and on that place, that might be taken by others & the others might be his haters or haters of him or just middle of it.
I am always useless in the case of the dog’s treatment even if I loved him, so I think the 80 % reduced to around half of it.
Again more days passed away because time is always running, Crazy Jack’s smartness started decreasing day by day. When we called “Crazy Jack” it’s so hard for him to come towards us.
Once my amma asked me to give him food. Even if it is so hard for me to come near to him I gave him and called him “Craeezzee Jaaaack” with a sweet romantic voice. He looked towards me
Oh! Crap!…..here is the worst day 2!
Hm… oh! The white worms are eating his half face!!
They are eating the eye lids including the areas near to it & so many holes!! ‘’Oh god, what else do you want from him….baby?”
Another hole from the dead eye leads to the inside of the protuberance or the bulged area. I looked through it & I saw that inside the bulged area there were nothing……… empty inside… and The blood shitting bad worms make upped him to the ‘UGLY FACE PART2’
I informed my amma & she again become depressed and told me to buy any medicine from the medical store for curing the problem mentioned on the 4th last paragraph from this paragraph.
They give a spray which can be sprayed on the infected areas of dogs. My mother sprayed at there. The dog stared at her. His faces showed his realization of unhope, that can be cached from his expression. He sung a mourning song on that day’s night on a downcast mood.
He always hesitated to eat food because he was soo weak. My amma informed that “our dog was nearing his death…today or tomorrow, it will happen…”
I exploded! That was a heart attack for me…… “My gad, Take him soon…” I prayed because I also believed in the hope lost.
Next day-19th January 2012….because I had written the FIR on my diary so I can purely remember that day. He was fully exhausted and holes become bigger in diameter and also increasing and the number of population was also increasing and he was lying down on the sand. Amma gave milk with adding capsule & He doesn’t try to take a look at it. She called him and he wagged his tail for a little and that fell down. She patted him and realized that he was in full of pain. I think the worms were eating his brain!
He was waiting for his death with patients. All the members in my home were in a sad condition. Fully unsound. The god was killing him slowly. Like a slow death with brain eating pain.
I called him, no sign of wagging or ear movement but he was still breathing… after a few hours in a time around 3; 30 pm, His death like appearance died and His heart laughing sounds stopped for ever. Amma shows no sign of crying…even I didn’t in front of her but when I am walking towards my room through kitchen, I cried without the presence of any one with leaking my eyes and with the guilty in my face because of my helplessness towards him.
I don’t deserve to write It but I can’t leave it without writing—- ‘’I really missed him’’
if my amma hadn’t asked me to buy tomatoes or The biker’s bike hadn’t started or He drove his bike carefully or My cycle’s tire was punctured or The dog hadn’t any warm affection over me, He must be here……on my home……….lying on our sit out with smuggling our meat…ok…leave it…hmmm..Oh..no.. I can’t!….sorry, all I can forgot except Crazy Jack..That event become an unmark able……pierced nail like bookmark history of my mind……