Love Poem Collection
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
Lost Passion
Remember the moments together
Cradled in each others arms
Thinking it would last forever
She knew he meant no harm
But judge not from the face
For he left without a trace
How could that be possibly?
Why did he leave her suddenly?
From grace to grass
Gold in exchange for brass
Oh remember the kiss
That spoke nothing but bliss
How wonderful it started
Yet how dreadful it ended
Famous Love
Oh how can I hide?
The feeling that seizes me
Oh how can I conceal
The desires that spark
The lightning that engulfs
My heart’s in fury
My principles becoming extinct
This monstrous desire overwhelms me
Your kiss a weapon of torture
Oh how your tongue glides
My lips burn in thirst
Seeking as a bee for nectar
“Be in control” I say to myself
“I won’t get nervous” I say to myself
Yet at one touch, my body trembles
I am at a stance, oh your tickles
How you make me blush and gleam
Your icy glare devouring me
This ecstasy all too novel
Within me lies a still fire
Rekindled by your wicked kisses
Set ablaze at a single stroke
Of your fingers down and deep
Into my closed temple
Opened up by a scoundrel
Before you I am powerless,
I cannot rebuff nor deny
The man who knows all too well
The arrogant masterpiece
All pride and dignity gone
Body and heart gone
My nightmare, my fantasy!
More than just a Game
Pleasure that’s all I seek for now,
The pain of being alone, shall I endure?
I long for an eternity in your arms but how,
When you prize another beyond measure
When your heart seeks another’s pleasure
Oh this pain hurts like a deep protruding wound
I wish I could wipe the feelings away too soon
But no my heart knows your name,
She screams so loud like she’s gone insane
Everything goes away when you come around
This torture incessantly continues to abound
How can I train my heart to hate whom I love?
Can I receive any help from the heavens above?
My body seeks you in more ways than just a game
Old Harry said of his fair lady and wife
She was delicious at her prime of life
Her parents did consider her as jewelry
But I was a young lad filled with foolery
Too impatient and naïve to see beyond
Her radiance for she was such a blonde
I courted her and married her oh so soon
A year into marriage, sang she a different tune
“I want out you don’t satisfy me as you should”
“Ay your manhood‘s a sluggish piece of wood”
I cried and moaned for she did think me worthless
And then a real man did take her innocence
Ay for he was everything, never could I be
And oh poor me was too blind to see
Your love’s all that matters to me
Several times I’ve been told to stay away
Our love may not survive the ruthless sea
Yet I fought incessantly, wouldn’t give way
But now I feel pressured, oh remind me
Why I chose to stay knowing you were gay
Oh remind me of those eyes that spoke millions
With a single stare, I fell deeply in love,
Thinking of nothing else but a union
Did you ever consider me your dove?
Oh remind me, why I rejected millions
Why I still cling to you my love?
Tears flowing down my eyes to my lips
Please remind me of my numerous slips