How U Feel: A poetry collection
Photo credit: xololounge from morguefile.com
An orphan’s wish
In the lonely orphanage I call home
Wishing upon the stars for mom
Waiting for that day to come
God! Do you hear me cry?
Oh, please bestow me,
A caring mom,
Who protects,
Feel the colors
The thing that warms me is the sun,
The thing which soothes me is the moon,
Their colors, I see not, for I’m void of sight!
The Sun, you say, is so very bright
Yellow, orange, a blazing fire of light- but
The thing that warms me is the Sun,
The moon, you praise, is lovely to look at
Silver, white, a godsend to the night- but
The thing which soothes me is the Moon,
What’s a color? Do they’ve shape?
Can I feel ’em? Are they soft or hard?
The colors, I see not, for I’m void of sight!
A Tree and An Old Maid
(Rhyming Couplets)
There’s a tree in my isolated back-yard,
Yellow, pastel, bowed, stem sick and shard,
Once emerald leaves shrunken with time,
Once rich life taken out, eaten by our crime,
Branches thin, trying feebly to reach the space,
Leaves dim olive, fighting the wind’s burly chase,
Fruits exploited, dejected, no one to mend,
Roots bled dry, lifeless, waiting for a sad end,
Come the third day, with a gentle storm, it dies,
Its leaves shed, free from all its hindering ties,
A tree in my backyard, reminding me of an old maid,
Waiting to escape the cruel strings; of the world.

How U Feel: A poetry collection
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
The best piece of art; reflecting love and kindness
Created by the world’s only fine artist, God!
Have you back
(Free verse)
I’ll give anything to have you back; anything.
To see you smile and scowl at me, Dad,
You promised to be there for me, to guide,
What made you leave? Is it me?
One summer day, wind warm and clammy,
We walked together, breeze the only sound,
I said things, I didn’t mean; you stayed silent
And the day still flashes, with heartfelt regrets.
Next day, what came to me was you; pale
A lifeless body with clotted blood, smile frozen
Heart stopped, by death’s artful fingers,
How I cried that day. How I miss you still.
Dad, you were my world; my mom, my friend and all,
I will give up everything to have you back
by my side; loving. Guiding. Like a pole star,
I will give anything to have my life back, with you!