Two Poems – Of Mirrors and Age
Photo credit: digitallatina from morguefile.com
I am exact; precise.
Faithful-and proud.
I bare you,
just as you are.
My judgement-cold,
too true;
by my love,
Or your fear.
I sit back
staring at you.
Your features,
in the dim light
I sit back
and stare.
I show you
what I see.
with all the love
my faith holds.
You cry.
Has my love,
clear as me,
I love you.
selfishly, so.
I love you.
and I show it.
The only way I know.
But a mirror cannot love,
or so you say.
I can’t.
For you don’t.
No-you don’t.
You don’t love yourself.
Your eyes,
most beautiful,
you fail to see.
They tell me-
oh they do;
shouting silently
A prayer,
and a curse.
A mirror cannot love
For each day,
each moment,
as the clock ticks life away
and the sun goes down;
A monster awakens
deep inside him.
From the depths of hell,
crawling steadily
towards his love.
Towards you.
A monster of wrinkles,
of old age
of tears and curses.
Of death.
A mirror cannot love.
For he’s truthful.
She stares me down
as her hands go round
I die a little.
The pendulum swings
to and fro
over my dreams
crushing them slow.
Her hands go on
round and round,
On and on…
Draining the life out of me.
A cry echoes
reverberates through me,
as the pendulum glides
at the speed of thought.
She sits back
enjoying the show.
Slowly ticks a tock,
suffocating me
her hands upon my neck.
Beside my own self,
do I stand
almost unwillingly
facing my distinct self.
She seems different
with bloody eyes,
crying through the mirror;
new wrinkles- like thorns,
growing upon her face.
The mirror is cruel,
it sees though me.
Truthful too-thus worse;
for he bares me,
just as I am.
Unlike the men
with judgement,
misted by love.
Poet’s Note: I wrote these two poems a while ago, and decided to share them with everyone. Do not forget to leave feedback, it means a LOT to me. Every comment, every ‘Like’ is appreciated and heartily-welcomed. If there’s private comment or questions or anything else you can’t say out loud here, feel free to contact me via facebook or e-mail. Thanks for reading!
-The Manoj Arora.