Poetry – Moments and Fair Weather Friend
Photo credit: bosela from morguefile.com
Moments of pain, moments of peace
Moments of space that I would seize
If I could just have a moment or two
I would love to spend those moments with you
Moments of despair, moments of hope
Moments of faith that help me cope
If I could just have a moment or two
I would love to spend those moments with you
Moments of company, moments of solitude
Moments of passion that I pursued
If I could just have a moment or two
I would love to spend those moments with you
Moments of grief, moments of joy
Moments of quiet that I enjoy
If I could just have a moment or two
I would love to spend those moments with you
Moments of hate, moments of wishes
Moments of compassion my heart cherishes
If I could have a moment or two
I would love to spend those moments with you
Moments of waking, moments of sleep
Moments of spontaneity that I would keep
If I could just have a moment or two
I would love to spend those moments with you
In the light of everyday
I see you and feel your touch
I thought you would stand and shine
in my darkest hour
But you are gone.
Now the night descends on me
Like black suffocating velvet
I am not shocked, just numb
as I sit here waiting for the light
Till I see you again
my dear dear fair weather friend
with you around
my drama will end
I have to take this in my stride
and everyone else who takes me for a ride
I am not whining or complaining.
Merely stating facts and reaching pacts.
It’s all one great big game.
I sit here waiting for the light
till I see you again
my dear dear fair weather friend
with you around
my drama will end
I do not hold it against you
or anyone else for that matter
for when the coin flips
it’s my fault too
I will never go away
as I need you for the eternity of my Soul.
I sit here waiting by the light
till I see you again
my dear dear fair weather friend
with you around
my drama will end
In the end it’s all the same
everyone is just playing
convenience games
Sincerity my friend,
seems fraught with nothing-ness
and if you get emotional,
you are a mess.
So I sit here waiting for the light
till I see you again
My dear dear
fair weather friend
with you around
my drama will end.