Love Poems
Photo credit: bosela from morguefile.com
Storm in my Chest! – Two Love Poems
If, I am asked
to live without you.
I won’t cry and tap for you.
Because I know,
After a few hiccups,
Storm in my chest will rest.
Maybe, by then,
It’s sudden arrival,
will alter my coast forever.
It’ll be there,
Arms shed, Obscured,
Humbled, by life’s mountain.
Or, it’ll wait,
To be restless again,
Like the sea waits for moon.
Look, Afterall,
A Storm remains one,
It cannot be lulled for long.
On its return,
Its fury will add,
to the houses it has deserted.
Such condition,
On your departure,
I stand debarred to step out.
Life’s Shikara,
Moored and dusted,
Waits for this weather to clear.
Your Presence!
And it’s all different,
I stand Immune to every storm.
You are, so is,
the breeze in life,
As wheat dances in the spring.
Your coming and going Controls The Wind!
It remains a Struggle! – Two Love Poems
In the end;
It has always been,
And it remains a struggle!
Even when smooth, quiet roads,
Become a regular occurrence.
But those rough, ragged patches
Torment my remembrance.
A halt on a weary interlude,
Perched on a dusty milestone,
Your crossing of arms around my shoulders,
Or I smiling and recounting,
The songs of eternal hope
Help, but only to some extent,
Beyond which, it remains a struggle!
A tired crimson sky,
And my guilty gloomy soul,
Courageous I get up to end the standstill.
Soon my fresh resolve,
Timid and fluttering again,
Caught in life’s tangled maze.
Unraveling it, remains a struggle!
Scratches and wounds,
Left unchecked and unseen,
And vanishing at that very next bend.
Torrents of the heart,
Linger, long and dark
As shadows in afternoon sun.
Forsaking them, remains a struggle!
Our hands side by side,
Feet marching to the rhythms,
A flicker of smile and the gust of strength.
Next my wistful sad eyes,
Overlook this solitary terrain,
To be crossed on my own.
And walking alone, remains a struggle!