Two Different People Poems – Quest within you
Photo credit: takekha from morguefile.com
Joie de vivre – Quest within you
Wow, I am a kid
Got lots to do
No pains, all gains
Vigilant mind, spare time rare to find
Night goes snoozing hard
Garments are shrinking fast
Mom made salubrious food
And her opulent lap
Serene outing with Dad
Chirpy witty playoffs with sister
School life, temple light – all glitter
Eyes reverberates my bliss galore.
Wow, I am an adolescent
Got lots to learn
Books and pleasure go hand in hand
Family has scaled down the chart
Quest for fame now heaps the cart
Innovations, inventions, new launches
And brands excite a lot
Life with peers’ rocks
Wish list seems to augment
With each passing day
Little pain, maximum gain
Seems to be the way.
Yeah, I am a youth
Got lots to achieve
Vibrancy and aspirations
Are in full zoom
Life is rash and antonym
To my safe cocoon
Little slackness and
Opponents tore one apart
Now am accustomed
To spirit smashes
Pain and gain are intertwined.
Sooner, I am going to be an adult
Will have lots to prove
Zeal will banish
Overloaded and exhausted
Under persistent pressure
To prove my worth
To be a recognized face
Experience, responsibility, learning
Will stroll together
Monotonous life will make me go frenzy
This crucial phase will demand steadiness.
Yes, this is the time to retrospect
Success is just for one time
I’ll have make it last for lifetime
Every single effort is worth enjoying
Trot even if it’s difficult to walk
Sing; dance even if one isn’t adept
Smile, for one deserves it
Family, friends and colleagues
The rejoicing moments struggling to release
Life is just for one time
I must get, set, and go.
It’s gusty and arid
Lifeless feet seems to drag
All the way to home
Barren sky solitary lanes
Cow indolently lying under banyan shade
Camel winked away the dust storm
Felt a drop on the neck
May be shed after hauling a long way
Can’t prove it be sweat
As dry breeze burnt that away
Few steps more and now
Another drop on my cheek
Clouds roared and splintered open
Perplexed I stood frozen
Should trot the left five min. way
Or run under the thatch nearby
Upheaval caused by the blissful running crowd
Provoked me to stride the drenched ground
Thundering devoured the dead silence
Dripping attire soaked the soul
Contented faces traversed the sight
Absolutely it was a moment of great delight
As I lifted the latch of main gate
Thought that surprises are not only man made