Three Poems – I am shadow,The darkest of days and The unknown

Three Poems – I am shadow
Photo credit: dorne from
I am shadow
I have no heart that breathes and Brain that thinks
But still I do things that you do
I have no eyes that can see
but still I can make you feel uneasy
I come in all shapes and sizes
For that is the only power I possess.
I never fade because I have no age
For I am cursed to walk this earth forever
I don’t feel love and I don’t feel pain
For I have no emotions to portray
I am not red and I am not white
For I represent the color of night
I appear at day and disappear at night
For darkness is the only prison that can hold me behind
For I am shadow.
The darkest of days
There is dampness in the air
wretched and wicked taking heads
for the corrupt slitherns through the innocence
a time shall come where a conflict shall rise
for the world shall witness an epic battle between moral and the damned.
Sky breathing in the poisoned smoke
land covered by mutilated bodies across
innocent hearts hammered by sharp edges
Rivers and seas drenched in blood
Once again armies will rise
Kingdoms will fall
For that is what history repeats again and again
As the humanities fate at the brim
leaping towards the height of hope
For we will seek what we unfold
Like our forefathers have told.
Hope swaying in balance
Deception manifesting the eyes of innocent
as it is the only beguilement that would keep all alive
hearts craving for freedom
for it comes with great cost
hearts filled with bravery shall conquer fear
and the weak shall perish
in the end the eyes that see the first light
shall emerge victorious.
The Unknown
Trapped in this realm between heaven and hell,
for bound inside this body the treacherous and innocent souls,
dwindled by stick and strings by the hands above,
for we are puppets for the masters unknown.
Fragments of the past left behind,
and puzzles of the future in our hands,
for we are left with uncertainty inside our heads,
and look forward we walk alone.
Secrets of our forefathers are untold,
and we see our history unfold,
where the truth lies seeks meager mind,
For someday answers will seek itself,
and will manifest.