Social Poem – A Unique Gift
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
He was on his death bed ,
breathing heavily with his face red ,
His near and dear surrounded him closely ,
in a hope to get more and more boldly .
He knew about this cruel world ,
where “Money” is the only word ,
from which the relation begins ,
and for which they end in twins .
If He distributed wholeheartedly ,
his last rites will be perform brightly ,
but if He failed to be given ,
then all those who care him ,will run .
He was a millionaire ,no doubt ,
for which they lifted his collar, with proud ,
but there ears were towards his lips ,
so that they converted their names by tricks .
Suddenly He coughed ,
and the next moment all puffed ,
was raising a high alert ,
that only some more minutes left for flirt.
His daughter offered Him juice ,
but His son poured hot soup ,
was stating the reason behind ,
that soup stunned His mind .
He shouted in a pain ,
but all His cries gone in vain ,
as in the next moment He held a pen ,
to signature the will of His den .
The son demanded a brief note ,
that He was His lovely goat ,
for which He prayed to almighty ,
and granted as a gift brightly .
So His Share was confirm ,
and no other will snatch it for fun ,
Now His daughter’s plea was define ,
that she was a poor girl to suicide .
She had only a single car to bear ,
and being a girl child , Her right was more to be fair ,
She not only demanded a number of cars ,
but also some bungalows to live apart .
The old man laughed , laughed hysterically ,
after listening His greedy kids plea mercilessly ,
and now there was His turn to announce ,
that what both of them got for bounce .
He addressed His son ,”A poor goat ” ,
Come and get a beautiful boat ,
so that You will sail your remaining life ,
with your lovely kids and beautiful wife .
Next addressing to His daughter ,
He granted Her a shoe “floater” ,
stating that,” cars days have been over ” ,
so be an Eco-friendly forever .
And for His remaining will , He decided ,
that the coming generation would be crowded ,
So He nominate them for everything He bears ,
and closed His eyes forever in tears .
Time passed happily once again ,
but the “Boat” and “Floater” still remain ,
and becomes an example to define ,
that Greed never open success door to refine.