Poetry collection
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
- The moon is clear in transparent sky
- And clouds close the stars silver dust,
- Cool air fills my bosom in the night
- And I feel that my love is passing by.
- Eternal and exciting nature might
- Will sing a song of sudden blast
- Of wind and I recall another
- Country’s violet sky I loved and lost,
- The paradise I never shall attain.
- Inside me’s the Hermon’s cruel frost
- And heat of life’ll never come again.
- Oh, farewell my lovely little moon
- Cheese coloured like gold of the night!
- I don’t believe that I’ll see you soon.
- I don’t believe you are as ever bright.
- Oh, sacred howe part of winter!
- Whose sinful foot would dar
- To step and pollute you?!
- When you’re shining under
- Midday sun neither bes
- Nor bird is touching you,
- Sun slowly melts away
- Snow on the branches
- Of eternal pines for
- Not to drop it on your
- Earth. I keep your way.
- I’m called Wise Wolf and I’m a leader of my tribe.
- They called me so for that my wisdom helped my
- Tribe to twig divine of their lauch amity,
- Of richtwis life in your holy abode. I
- Came for your help. Explain to people’s tribe
- That you aren’t a place for human entity,
- But just a paradise
- For humans brave in fight
- And all my tribe’ll promise
- That none of us
- Will seek for their pite
- And death from their hands’ll
- Never scare us.
- Out of doors high snowdrift lies all around.
- Hidden inside could never be found.
- This came to my mind in cloudy day
- When hide and seek we began to play.
- I hid myself and could thole a shroud of snow
- And soon I fell asleep and I saw
- Myself at home in parent’s embrace.
- When I was awoke was already dark
- And a big dog was licking my face.
- I ran after him to the city park,
- Proposing him to play,
- But my new friend had another plan
- And decided to run away.
- I know how tolerant you were.
- Forgave in great. Forgive in little too.
- With you accustomed everything to share,
- But I could never love like you.
- It’s clear to all now I was bad,
- But wonderful self-confidence I had,
- Denied that my insanity was true,
- I useless longed and tried to love like you.
- You catch me all my life
- And you at last succeded.
- I was a dreadful wife,
- But only you I needed.
- My instincts I considered as love
- Assured that was blessed from above.
- Despising any social relation,
- My cowardness I took for education.
- Through all my human entity and nerve
- Your love by no way I can deserve
- And nevertheless your love is true.
- Oh! Grief to me! I never loved like you.
- For what such animal as me is taking place
- Amidst creations of the modern human race
- And my conscience suffering from guilt
- Desired to destroy that you have built?
- I realized your feelings were true
- When you have said I never loved you.
- Believe me that alive I stayed
- To get back all that I betrayed.
- Just tell me what I am to do
- When I can’t be without you.
- I remember that beautiful night
- When a sight of the moon was your sight
- When you with coolness of night breeze
- Embraced me and my lips freezed.
- My heart ran as wind in prairie
- And all I have seen was faerie
- Reality. I was bodies of snakes,
- I was smell of the herbs,
- I was sky and the stars, wild horses
- And rivers in canyons
- And the spirits of thought outraged
- At me and made me forever bad.
- I saw you in the street when you said ”Farewell”
- And I had nothing to say
- And the first raindrops fell on your forehead,
- It was just a beginning of day.
- A soft rain covered all
- And balmed my heart.
- Just a rain ceased to fall,
- Sun came out bright.
- I heated unbearably in the sun,
- Walking on barren sand.
- I never felt such terrible fun
- And did it without end.
- I am free to build of stones in the storm
- A cave I longed to stay and to be buried
- Where no one will see what I desired
- And touch my dream to give it any form.
- My spirit never will stand the mockery
- And cause contempt of idle curiosity
- And no one will judge whether I am right
- And once again will try to put me straight.
- Oh you, my life enormous like sky!
- You never fondled me and so did I,
- But nevertheless we are agree
- In all that done and ever will be.
- You are my only real friend,
- We strode together hand in hand,
- We will do that up to the end.
- You’ll never flatter me.
- You listened each my honest cry
- And I will do that when you die.
- We never mixed up thy and my.
- The rest of my I leave to thee
- Like you would leave to me.