Photo credit: dmscs from morguefile.com
1) A Misty Day
On a day of misty yellow
i got up to write some poetry
outside it looked a vision from a dream
but how do i capture it with words?
i am not a poet but my heart yearns to be
can a poem be written with shallow words?
i tried for words but all in vain
but such a serene day evokes a response
i feel sterile
laughter come out from the street
joy has been spread
I renounce my poem and take a look outside
the cool air sweeps away my breath every time
In the next breath
i am a child again
the joy is with me too
i look at the paper
on which no words are written
and ponder ‘what good will poetry do?’
for i am not a poet
but poetry itself.
2) Oblivious Nights
The nights are dark no more
and the thoughts scattered
like the doleful light
that shimmers somewhere yonder
the nights are silent no more
and the soul unnerved
Cacophony dismantles
the music of the night
The moon is covered in haziness
as if distancing itself from us
and beneath its feeble light
some pray for love, obscured
Where are the dark nights
which embellished the moon?
Oh! the nights are beautiful no more.
3) Silence
Silence, where are you now?
Have you become restless too?
remember how we together weaved
pictures of distant dreams?
As i sit in seclusion
to find you
thousand voices intrude my mind
Didn’t you used to convey love?
Those silence, where are you now?
Now not you but distrust pervades
i fear silence from the fear
of being ill conveyed
Are you somewhere afar
where one can hear laughter
from beyond the mountains?
Silence, my friend,where are you now?
You don’t talk to me now
and consider me somber
leaving me to my own miseries
thinking time will heal
but love, what if
in silence we drift?
will it be only memories
in which you’ll remember me?
if only you could understand
how i fail to come up with words
you’ll understand my silence
but it might be love
that you already know
and i am naive,
for how could i have
known things while
i was covered in the
blanket of your love.