Poems – Three-in-One
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
Come to me – Poems – Three-in-One
The morning mist melts
As the sun rises, bright and warm.
Come, melt my solitude away.
My throat is parched as my lips are dry.
Come, moisten my lips
With a golden dew-drop,
As sweet as sweet can be.
Come, embrace my solitude
And crush my lonely body till it hurts.
Come, let me explore the velvety recess
Of your inner self,
Aflame with unabashed desire…
Come, melt in my arms
And cover my lust with your love.
Do nothing.
Just come to me.
Encore – Poems – Three-in-One
When the curtain comes down on a show,
A shout is heard, “Encore”.
There’s no ‘encore’ in life.
When it’s curtains in relationship,
There’s no ‘encore’ either.
From the roof-top I saw you
Growing smaller and smaller,
As you went further downhill.
The lonely road cut through the pastures
And lost its way in the green woods
Waiting with sombre expectations.
My heart swelled with silent cry.
There’s no ‘encore’ or rewind.
The merry times we spent together
Watching trouts jump out
Of the clear blue lake,
I can’t ever forget.
Can you?
I flew a merry kite from the roof-top.
A cloudburst, unannounced,
Soaked my kite through and through.
The paper kite got tattered.
There was no rewind either.
When it’s curtains in a relationship
There’s no curtain call
Or “encore”.
Tell me, do you really regret it all?
My Last Train – Poems – Three-in-One
The station is deserted.
All had given way
to the gloom of the night.
The railway tracks
lie languidly,
like a pair of curved scimitars,
glistening under the light of a
half-hearted moon,
only to lose their way
in the darkness ahead.
Green eyed,
like an envious cyclops,
a distant signal
A lone tamarind tree
drips sweat.
A solitary red light
dwindles away
into the night,
fading fast,
like the eyes of
a dying man.
There goes my last train.
The next train
will come tomorrow,
I don’t know, when.
A swirling mist
gathers murkily
all around.
My Today loses its way.