Poems On Babies
Photo credit: bobby from morguefile.com
1.Test -Tube Baby – Poems On Babies
O’ Dear mom! O’ Dear mom!
Why You make me a cursed born?
Wherever I go……rumour flows,
Look! Poor “Test-tube” Baby……There He goes.
Friends laughed at me….
Teacher tested me,
That I am the one….Whose,
IQ level is below averagely.
Made me a mocking fest,
That East or West……
Test-Tube baby is far from the Best.
God send me like a gift….
In your empty lap,
But this cruel world…
Hurt my feels with slap.
Some says- I’m like a “Tube”,
Whose bulb is always fuse,
Lewd comments……..Dirty sense,
Make me more confuse.
I surprise to see….
This 20th century brain,
Where modernity grows…
With mentality sane.
People never see the pain behind,
Which a lady suffer for motherhood,
Excess money,excess pain…..
Still her baby called as- “No Brain”.
Though medical science proves,
Fertility can happen with tube.
But How can our society cope up?
The “Burning Heart ” of a grown up.
Yes, I am a “Test-Tube” Baby,
A miracle of experiments,
Though process is artificial…
But a reality of sentiments.
So a message from my side-
Don’t demoralize my pride,
As I am the one….
Whose future is very bright.
Lets shake our hands!
And make me your friend.
I am like yours….
Whose birth is a well end.
2. Albinism – Poems On Babies
God O God! My almighty God!
Why you made me so odd?
I am an “Albinism” child….
Who suffers from photo phobia and light.
Wherever I Go……..
People laughed with a flow,
That He will be Blind…
When the Sun Decline.
“Surajmukhi” is a flower,
A flower that Blooms.
But I am the “Surajmukhi”….
A thorn that Pricks.
There is no treatment for “Albinism”,
As it is based on pigmentation.
An auto-immune disease against the melanocytes,
Which made my hair Brown and skin White.
But I am a normal child…..
So don’t treat me so wild.
The colour of my blood is same….
As Red as you have but in Dim light.