THE WRATH YATRA : (Dedicated to the memories of the lives lost in Uttarakhand and Kedarnath-May their souls rest in peace)

Photo credit: undefined from
Now the Shrine alone stands.
Once where lay many a dwelling,
lie now the dead with many a swelling,
Amidst Nature’s frown and fury,
more and more underneath bury.
Some set out, others laid in,
not wary of what ‘ill happen ahead,
Smiled they all , no fear at heart,
not wary, which way to tread.
As they trod, the storm starved,
awaited to gulp the unarmed,
Unalarmed and unaided, with dreams in eyes,
undecided that Nature too harmed.
Struck thus the mighty flood,
drinking now much a blood,
Disaster this was completely clubbed,
with dwellings of all sorts rubbed.
They bought a shop, withstood a loss,
now the shop is gone,
The wails of pain covers the way,
Is it for this that we were born!
They ask but …………..
The eyes that once brimmed with joy,
the faces that once blushed were coy,
The hands that once worked with thrill,
lie now they all in eternal chill…….
Today the nation cries for them all,
the wreaths of tears lie on them all,
As thousands sleep, vanquished,
hopes underneath, brandished and tarnished.
O’ Dear Mankind!
Compete you not with Nature Divine,
mighty is SHE , and can make all sterile,
Live with her and play in her arms,
work wise to fruit her palms.
Everything changes with the change galore,
the eyes closed, the faces bemoan,
The hands ROCKED, the cries unknown,
what remains now is QUIETNESS, STILLNESS gore.
O’ Mother Nature,
Bless us and have peace,
put your fury at cease
Console the Man with rest in soul,
If you cut us apart, Can we be the WHOLE????