A Poem – Save The Planet…..Save The Earth
Photo credit: pschubert from morguefile.com
Hey Kids!
Come this Way…..
Where We are celebrating….
Our “World Environment Day”.
Look at the park,
Where the trees bark….
are utilizing frequently,
as this century diminishing mark.
Come to the Malls,
where the waste dumped near Halls,
to make our cities….
A hawker stalls.
Chase the birds….
as they are diminishing,
Due to cutting of trees,
they stop residing near vicinities.
Now coming to the Earth,
A planet whose worth….
is declining due to,
tremendous pressure of birth.
Our Wild Life sanctity……
Losing its identity,
The “King Of Jungle” are dying….
due to loss of Humanity.
The “House Sparrow” are too declared,
as the “State Bird Of Delhi”,
as they are too extincting,
to serve the people belly.
A huge amount of food waste,
is too increasing in society….
and a large number of poors,
are dying due to starvation policy.
So come this way….
As We are giving the tips,
to generate new ideas in a tray,
To celebrate our “World Environment Day”.
Go Green in meetings………
Use projections to display e agenda,
Save the Paper………
as it can be recycled to write “Memoranda”.
Bore Well is being used……
for irrigation in the Compound,
Save the Water………
as it can quench the thirst of thousand sounds.
Solar lights have been installed,
which are best suitable for Environment,
Save the Electricity……
to Save the Pressure of Planet.
Use the technique of Xeriscaping,
which is an Eco-Friendly Way…..
Save the Water……..
to beautify your Garden in a new Way.
Replace the Diesel maintenance Vehicles….
into CNG Vehicles techniques,
Save the Petrol……..
To meet out Ecological Goals.
A key role in our battle against climate change,
are the Forests that covered one-third of the Earth’s Land Mass,
Save the Forests……
that release Oxygen and store CO2 ….to retain us for Last.
This Planet is Unique……
In this World,
So Save the Earth……….
To Live for Future Worth.