Photo credit: octaviolopez from morguefile.com
Is there any slightest scent ,the very slightest scent of friendship
Between civilizations and philosophies of earth ?
Not only the philosophers even bright young people feel hurt and feel angry
About the artlessness of this mechanical life in the industrial age.
Even simple rustics, simple women ,simple children feel irritated
And get vexed unable to understand the “art rules” of this monotonous artless age.
They ask—“Is there no value to things like morality, gentleness,goodness,
truthfulness, holiness? Is there no punishment to sin?”,
Those things were always considered by all civilizations as golden things.
The youngsters are angry that these golden things are being just ignored
By many people in the modern artless,soulless age.
Many think all old civilizations and old philosophies are sweet beyond words.
Many young people everywhere, be they of East or West, in the depths of their hearts and most truly,
Care very much for morality, goodness, truthfulness, holiness etc.
Contrary to what many think, most young people everywhere
Do not care the least for wealth, palaces, fame and high learning and even about science.
They assert “Even science has not transformed the basic rules of art and morality”.
Contrary to what many think ,young people everywhere care
Only for such things as truth, respect to parents and elders and affection in family.
They want women to be treated only as goddesses and angels and not in any way lower than that .
This had been the way in all societies East or West at all times .
The great Doctors of Science Newton and Einstein were great lovers of spirituality.
They were guiding stars not only in science but in human culture and spirituality as well.
Surely there is aberration in human thinking in this artless age.
The rich people manage to get art,color and beauty in life but the poor are starved of them.
The poor lead a monotonous life in this dust- filled ,colorless and slum-like world .
Let me tell another important thing.
People everywhere –be they rich or poor,lovers or haters of old civilizations and old philosophies–
Have now learned that all human society all human race is one.
They now realize that only the endless oceans, dense dark forests, the sky-high mountains
And the hot deserts divided people into different races.
They feel that otherwise all humanity would have always been one .
They now declare with joy at heart and wonder in their eyes ,
” All the diversity has made the human race only the more beautiful”.
People of distant lands and distant climes, have become most friendly.
They are enthralled by games of tennis, football, cricket and the like
Coming day in and day out on TV screens in their homes.
People also understand that a modern high technology war with atom bombs
Can wipe out human race from this one and only one habitable earth.
The beautiful soul can enter a beautiful human body only on a beautiful earth
And not in the poisonous deserts of Mercury, Venus Or Mars .
We still have a faint hope for this humanity and this planet earth.
We get a little suspicion in minds expecting some good things.
Is there a scent of friendship that is to appear and occur
Between the civilizations and philosophies of the earth?
Can the earth’s humans negotiate the “bend”?
—-The danger of high technology wars and the danger of philosophic quarrels ?
Can the earth’s humans negotiate the “bend” and emerge safe and sound?
Meanwhile the rocky planet earth , oblivious of man’s little anxieties ,
Goes round and round and round and round
As it always had been doing for thousands of millions years.