A Poem – Save Tiger (A Heart-Touching Fable)
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
*This is a poem written just to promote awareness of the illicit killing of tigers without any thought of humanity and to make people understand that they have an equal right to live.
This is a fable you must hear
Of a cub who has no fear
He himself tells this story a part of his life
It appears his short life turned into a blunt knife
“I am the cub of king of the forest
I used to play with my dad n when tired had rest
We used to play hide n seek and sometimes fight
And I used to rest in his shadow during bright day light
But one day you human came
That day is still as a photo frame
Carrying 3 feet long pipe like thing
Having a hole in front like a ring
Suddenly something came out of it with a thud
And my father fell down in the river of his own blood
As you came I fled to my den
And you carried my father down the forest lane
I think you must have taken to get him well
And one day you will come to me and tell
That I could play with my dad again
As soon would come the rain
You must be living with your family now and then
But when will I be able to meet my father again
It’s been 6 months you have taken him away from me
I hope you will come back soon and leave him free”
But alas! The cub is unaware
Of the inhuman acts without any feeling or tear
As his father’s skin hangs on the wall
Of a rich man’s huge hall
With its cost very high
Leaving the cub alone sad and every time with a sigh
But he still trusts every summer and rain
That he will rest in his dad’s shadow once again
Once again……..