My Secret Admirer – Poem on Online Friendship

Poem on Online Friendship – My Secret Admirer
Photo credit: dhester from
Every time He made me surprised,
As I found my written contents to be pride,
My mind struck that……
There was someone who tries to be plucked.
Whenever I asked Him that……
I want to show Him some new,
He always said…..
He had already been go through.
My heart….. my soul forced me,
To ask Him his role,
But His “Style of simplicity” stopped me,
To ask Him no more.
I know He is following me,
Following where ever I go,
Whatever I write….
Where ever I publish it on website.
We are the Friends….
A simple bonding bands,
A trustworthy relationship,
With deep sentiments.
His advices helps me to explore more,
His suggestions hopes me to become next door,
I feel a lame personality inside,
The day We are unable to decide.
I don’t know where He came from?
I don’t know Why He is interested?
But He is the one in my life,
Who regards me for best suited.
I am a “Complete Package” in His life,
Instead the relation of a wife.
An exchange engine of ideas and suggestions,
Without charging any profit for passions.
He always left me in comfort zone,
Cooperates me in my own tone,
I became an open-minded “Bride”,
As He always sat my beside.
“Internet Friendship” are now a days on its Boom,
As this is the best way for personality groom.
“Chatting” with an unknown is an adventure,
Between two who tries to keep it as a Venture.
He wants to be “One of the best part of my Life”,
As coming future is undecide,
But as today We are happy with this lovely ties,
To remove our useless cries.
And on one day I gathered all my courage,
To ask Him my mind’s worry,
That why you followed my contents secretly?
Though they are boring but you read that Happily.
He smiled in a very decent way,
Not physically but on the Chat window’s tray.
In an affirmative tone He replied…..
“Whenever I missed you online I searched you offline B’coz I am your “Secret Admirer”.”