Poem on Writing a Poem – When I wrote a poem
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
I was told to write a poem containing-
large, family, rowdy, caring, troublesome, magic, destiny
So I began like this-
Here is the story of a large family,
it was a harmonious family of five,
the family included mother, father and their three children,
the eldest was a daughter, caring and affectionate,
the apple of her parents’ eye,
the middle one was a boy, rowdy and carefree,
troublesome but dear to his parents,
the youngest was a daughter, her laugh filled the whole house,
dear to all, believing the world is nothing but magic,
they had strong love and unshakeable faith for each other,
destiny had bound them together…
This was perfect, however I felt there should be more to it,
Then I resumed and wrote….
one day the father went out to work , like he did everyday,
He worked in a big mill, which made clothes from yarn,
A textile mill, where everybody appreciated his work and respected him,
One day he took his son with him, who was very naughty,
He as usual worked and worked but suddenly he heard a big crash,
He looked behind and so it was him his son, on the top of the machine making cloth,
He was merrily kicking the spindles tying the fabric, he in his fun had made a big machine fall,
The father tried to get him down, but he remained there,
Then suddenly the boy, while trying to kick the farthest spindle, fell,
His head began spouting blood, on the spot he died….
I was so absorbed in this incomplete poem of mine,
That I did not realize what I just did write!
I reread it and realized the sudden twist I had given to it,
But now it seemed I could write more,
so I resumed…..
The father could not understand what just happened, he was so grieved,
He dashed towards his son, who was in the pool of his own blood,
He cried and cried and asked him to wake up, but obviously he didn’t,
The people in the mill consoled him, but he was too shattered,
Then the oldest man in the mill came in and hugged him, he turned numb,
He then explained him about life and death,
then assured him that all the mill workers were with him,
He regained himself, thanks to the old man’s efforts…
Then my sister came in and I showed her the poem with pride,
She read it and asked me how the man informed his family about it,
She was right and I had to add yet more to it…
The man suddenly shrieked a cry, the workers asked what happened,
He replied anxiously, what will I tell my family,
Then he persuaded the old man to accompany him, explain my family in the same manner,
He said, but the old man shook his head and asked him to inform in his own way,
The man went back with his son in the cart, he thought of the way,
He reached his home and left his son in the cart, went in the house,
Brimming with anger and started shouting, his wife asked him what happened,
He said two days before I gave money to a man, he said he would return in two days,
Today when I went to the man, he refused to return and started crying,
The wife said what a foolish man it was, not returning and crying,
Then she asked him about their son, he replied come with me outside,
He took her by hand and showed her their son, she saw him and started crying,
Then the man told her if the man was foolish, so are you,
You found him foolish because he refused to return what was mine and started crying,
You are doing the same, our son was God’s and we had to return him,
The wife understood and took son inside and told the other two in the same way,
Next day he was given back to God, then they lived happily as a family of four…
I happy with my work showed the same,
I explained the person how I wrote the poem and the story behind it,
He said do you know why you did not pause with the perfect family scene,
Because perfect can be boring, you need some bends in your path to keep you going,
The man learned new lessons from the setback, the family grew more loving and happy,
So I learned and started taking my faults as the steps to my growth…