Why I love You? – Poem on Love
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
Is there a way
Leading me anywhere near,
To the reason why I love you?
Or is this inability to answer,
The only truth, crystal clear?
You see, it’s like
Questioning the blue of the sky,
The waltz of white clouds there,
And the line of birds as they fly.
Nostalgic heart in mist,
Our ecstatic souls in the first rain.
Trying to reason them,
An exercise in vain!
But then you smile,
And nothing can stop me,
To try it for a while.
Take this, Should I say;
Your smile is a ferry in a lake of an exotic land?
A half-revealed truth,
Love and deception hand in hand.
And your sorrows,
Petty as a fly or imposing as a pine.
If they are,
They are yours and equally mine.
Should I sing ballads,
To praise the beauty of your young form?
Afterall to woo a maiden,
Demands following this age old norm.
Though these songs,
May live, breathe, titillate for a lifetime.
The beauty will,
Dissolve itself, leaving no trail, no sign.
May I thank you,
For your presence and company,
In my hours of gloom.
Acting as a balm; as a soothing symphony.
But I can’t discard,
Your memories, in your absence, I say.
For without them,
I couldn’t have been the man I’m today.
Soon flow of my words,
Will stop; as a tram in a sudden jam.
And I will search for,
A line showing how helpless, incompetent I am.
That loving somebody,
Is an event debarred from the school of reason.
Altering its meaning,
Every passing day, each bygone season.
Even then,
If you won’t stop asking me again?
I’m ready too,
Tiring never, without any stress or strain.
For it may be,
Ever changing and tough to hold,
But my dear,
Love is never stale and never old.