Love poem – Expressing
Photo credit: jzlomek from morguefile.com
Part 1 …
I saw you chilling out with your friends in a cafe, across the road;
To have a clear sight, I leaped towards the cafe like a toad!
Baffled with my act, my friends questioned me, “Have you gone crazy?”;
Pointing towards you I said to them, “Yeah guys, she’s driving me crazy”!
I managed to get name of the college you visited daily;
I decided to meet and talk to you directly without being more silly!
On the fine morning of Saturday, I stood at the college’s gate, waiting for you;
I called your name on your back, you turned and said, “Excuse me, Who are you?”!
With all the confidence I’d in me, I described her how I managed to meet her;
She started to shiver with fear, regardless of the sweater she wore of fur!
Understanding her situation I said, “Not to worry, I just want to talk to you for some time, is it ok?”;
She had a look around, looking for her friends, then had a look at her watch and said “Ok”!
Surprised by her reaction, I started to catch the words to tell her how I feel;
She started to listen, playing with the stones on the ground with her heel!
Finished with my talk, I looked at her with hope;
Praying, she should say yeah instead of nope!
“I need some time”, she said and kept me on ventilator;
I said, “At earliest, please, look into this matter”!
Part 2 …
For her reply I waited for two days;
In the meanwhile my mind was totally in mess!
Somehow I happened to meet her in the cafeteria;
That too after scouting a lot the college area!
Impatiently I asked her, ”Hey I’m waiting for your answer!”;
I noticed she was looking gorgeous in her black spencer!
Looking in my eyes silently she asked, “Can we sit down & talk?”;
I looked around in the cafeteria, thought for a while & said, “How about going for a walk?”
The feeling of walking with her in the garden; God! It was awesome;
Even though it was evening, I felt all the flowers are in blossom!
Again I initiated the talk, asked her, what she feels about me?
Cleverly she denied to answer, turning the same question on to me!
Immediately I thought, to impress her, this is a good chance;
In the meanwhile, looking at me, she was silently having a glance!
“Ever since I’v met you, I can’t think anything else other than you!”, I said;
Smiling delightfully she gave a lovely look, “You speak so poetic!”, she said!
“Hey, I’m not bluffing!”, thinking she’s not believing me, I said out of fear;
Playing with her hair, she said, “I know you are not bluffing dear”!
“Did you say dear?, oh god, you… Did you mean it?
”Baffled by her reaction, I whipped my hair which were combed neat!
Her silence gave me a positive sign;
I was very happy with victory of mine!
“I write poems”, I added, “So you might have felt that way”;
She seemed amazed & started thinking as we walked across the bay!
Cornering her eyes on me she asked, “Will you write a poem for me? Someday?”;
Smiling back to her I said, ”If you would be mine, then I’ll; everyday!”
She bowed her head down smiling out of shy;
I thanked God, looking at the saffron sky!