Poem on Daughter-Father: Collection of Poems
Photo credit: ccmackay from morguefile.com
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
My Hero – Poem on Daughter-Father
Down across the memory lane ,
A little girl gazed at sky once again–
Hope to see Angels treading her ways ,
Hope to say Good bye in a better way—
Looking up & up to the serene sky ,
There was a smile & hope in her sad eyes–
That little girl glanced up again ,
Seeking answers in her prayers again —
” Why you have taken her Hero before time—Oh God ??!! ”
Those tiny hands missed being held today ,
She missed all her bedtime stories today—
Then she remembered that ,
— & —
Mother has once told her a story ,
God has its own plans & Glory—
Little girl beamed with hope & happiness again ,
She has seen Angels treading her ways again —
Angels watched all kids alike ,
It’s God’s whim & delight,
seeking emptiness & spreading love in their lives—
She said a beautiful prayer today again ,
” Papa your love is missed dearly !!!!
Isn’t it wonderful to be with her Hero again ” !!
She gazes happily trying to reach to the sky ,
sun light gleamed beautifully on her pretty face again ,
She knows Angels are leaving sky to be in Her dreams tonight again !!!!!!
Angels & Demons – Poem on Daughter-Father
why Angels wears white?
Why Demons wears black?
A little girl wonder,
A good thought to ponder.
She ran to her mother’s arms,
With a smile that charms.
She cuddled her mother,
a little girl asked her mother?
A question that looms her innocent mind,
A story that needs to be unwind.
A mother holds master key to all struck locks,
She knows this is how it is thought;
Mother looks admiringly at her pretty face
& smile,
Oh my beautiful pretty angle,
How sweet thoughts come to your mind,
It’s good that you should first know the Power Divine,
Love is angel,
They are pure,
There is nothing for them to get lured,
Their conscience are clear like crystals,
They have no fears ,
Angels wears white
As they are like bright light .
Angels makes you smile,
Angels are soul & divine light,
They hold secret to Happiness & heaven,
They hold message of good deeds & blessings;
“A miracle follows you everywhere,
They thrive on hopes, faith & prayers.
They tread where demons leaves.
They makes us believes,
“Good wins over Evil in the End”
“Truth wins over lies in the end”
The eternity is blessed,
Angels guide your path at their behest.
Oh my beautiful pretty angle,
Let’s know about Demons,
Demons are shadows of past,
Demons are ghosts of sorrows till breath lasts,
Demons thrive on lies,
Demons makes you cries.
Demons are soulless,
Demons are dark, They hold secrets of abyss,
Death is demon,
They make you lament.
They hold message of bad deeds,
“What you sow, so shall u reap”
The girl donning a bemused smile, see the sky,
The girl pretty face lit by golden sunlight,
The girl sees white light far from the sky
She knows angels are smiling up above the sky.
Take Care !!